
Monday, December 30, 2019

2020 Goals

This sums up my goals for 2020 - putting my right foot first.  I am such a squirrel chaser and the piles of 'in progress' and UFOs are just growing faster than finishes.  I know you all think I finish a lot, but you would really hate me if I showed all the actual projects I work on.

1.  I joined a FaceBook group for finishing one project a month and that I am using to get at least ONE quilt quilted.  Two stuffed extra large totes of quilts waiting is too many.

2.  Use the One Monthly Goal again - was good for half the year and the squirrels got me.  This will be used to progress a work in progress.

3.  Participate in Block Hops - I truly love these and give me a chance to design and express.  I want to try new fabrics this year, so this is a good place for that bit of play.

4.  RSC20 - use to make one small project with that color.  I think I can make a bigger dent in the scrap stash this way rather that a block a month.  I'm staying away from BOMs this year period!

5.  Slow Stitching Sunday - I got away from this treasured touch of heritage quilting and really want to get back on track.  I have some UFOs that I want to hand quilt as well as do a little cross stitch.

6.  Silly 365 - not sure what Joan has up her sleeve, but this could be used for a Hop or new fabric project - I'm all for killing two birds with one stone.

I have three quilt shows thru the year to participate in and I am in charge of traveling the Hall of Fame raffle quilt for ticket sales - that I hope will lead me to traveling to some long 'want to go to' events.

I am, also, booking a few more travel teaching events - part of my need to get out for a little ME time.

OH, the animal logo on the side bar as my GOAL - well........
I have a lot of projects, UFO's, and new fabrics that are related to animals and birds and they need to progress or be finished this year.

Hopefully my right foot keeps leading forward,
Sewingly Yours,


  1. You can do it. I say as long as you are enjoying quilting it is fine. We always need to stretch our creative legs now and then to follow a squirrel. Heck running after squirrels is the only exercise i get!

  2. You've set yourself a rigorous schedule, but if anyone can do it, it would be you. Happy New Year.

  3. That all sounds like a lot of fun. I’m not starting anything new in 2020 that can’t be finished in the same month. I really want to make progress on finishing off the quilts that need quilting and the tops that need sewing together.

  4. Best of luck meeting your quilty goals for 2020!!

  5. I have over 50 quilts waiting for me to quilt them...just 2 large totes would be fabulous!!! It's going to be a great quilting year!!

  6. Good luck with your goals. Oh, and this is the year of the rat/mouse in the oriental zodiac so maybe you need to push out one of those birds and add a "nezumi".

  7. A good list of goals. I'm with you on the getting things finished goal. My word for the year is "Finished", so that's what I hope to accomplish. But to finish, I need to focus. That is so hard when there are so many fun things to work on. Good luck with all your goals.
