
Monday, August 19, 2019

Monday Making

I haven't done a lot of stitching as my Mom took another nasty fall and my time is taken up with her care.  I did manage to get some b/w 4-patches done that will be a top and bottom border to the lovely 'Presidents' kitty blocks quilt.  This will make it a 50" x 60" size - good for a couch throw.  There is an extra block for a pillow.  If any late comers come, I will make a wallhanging for a nice set.

We have had a lot of severe thunder/lightening storms, so I have been powering down all unnecessary electroncs - computer included.  So I have not had time to visit blogs or answer e-mails.  And the last time I powered down and then back up - something messed with settings that I am slowly working out.

We are expecting more stormy weather the next few days - so I am just powered down, not lost.

Sewingly Yours,


  1. We have power boards with a surge protector. but even so if there is a thunder storm, I unplug my laptop and machine. The black and white are so crisp.

  2. I am sorry to hear about your Mum, I hope she recovers ok. Your black and white blocks look wonderful. I hope you don't have any problems with the electrical storms.

  3. Best wishes for your mom's recovery from the fall. I usually don't power down my electronics and hope the power surge protectors do what they are supposed to. About a decade ago our house was hit by lightening that fried my telephone lines. We still have a land line. Rather than having it rewired, we plug a cordless system into my router. I know, land lines are archaic. Actually I don't live with my cell phone and the kids complain all the time that I don't remember to carry it AT ALL TIMES, lol. Hope you don't get severe storms.
    xx, Carol

  4. I noticed you weren't posting much and wondered if your Mom was okay. Sorry to hear about the fall. We've had a few storms, but the most severe storms went south of us. We did get some much needed rain, though. Just keep plugging (or unplugging) along. It will all get done in time.

  5. So sorry about your mom. We have had a strange summer here, weather-wise, but not stormy fortunately.

  6. Sorry to hear about your mom. Falls are so dangerous, even when they don’t result in serious injury. You are wise to unplug electronics. My husband!s computer was fried by a nearby lightening strike despite heavy duty surge protection!

  7. So sorry about your mom. We went through that with my husband's mom and it is a lot of work. It's good to power down during storms. My sister's house got hit by lightening and it ruined computers, TV's, etc. No fun! Love the black and white blocks!
