
Friday, June 21, 2019

Whoop It Up Friday

The smaller postage stamp blocks became a center and now to add some fun to it.  I have one round of 2.5" squares and I think I will add two rounds of 4.5" (I have a lot of 5" in that barrel) squares which will make this a good size lap quilt.

The Tiny Tuesday blocks got finished and I got all of those waiting into their straght or diagonal settings.  I now have 14 straght and 13 diagonal.  Some have questioned the difference in amount of blocks, but I think sometimes two blocks were offered with your choice - and I made them all.  I think next month (once that color is announced) I will lay them out and see what fillers I need to complete my setting and get this one at least into a flimsy.

A large baggie of these florals kept falling off the shelf.  I hate storing fabrics in baggies, but it does aid in 'use it up' if it keeps plopping on the floor.  It was time for these.  Someone gifted these florals as I don't buy them.  So today and probably the weekend, these will become a "In My Garden" quilt.

While I was busy cutting flowers, I got a helper who is so bored with all this rain.  Moe doesn't mind doing his property patrol in light rain, but being caught in heavy downpours brings on the sniffles.  He hates those and so do I as he shares a sneeze while getting some skritch time.

The look of disgust!  Rain - flowers - come on Mom!!!  AND Bella?  She has decided the upstairs spare bedroom is a good place to just vegetate while this is all going on.

Another new button added to the side bar - Summer Scrapping Fun!  If you don't know Kevin The Quilter, you are missing out on some scrap goodness.  He's come a long way since the first time we 'on-line' met, speaking and designing and trunk shows and a new pattern for sale and summer fun offerings with his scrap squad. 

Have a grand weekend,
Sewingly Yours,


  1. I love your tiny blocks. I tried small but they are not for me. So I will just enjoy watching you. As for the floral fabrics...I think they are great and any simple square or block will do:) I wish you could send us some rain.

  2. Love love love your postage stamp quilt!! I'm working on one right now but my squares finish at 2 inches. I get frustrated working with anything smaller ;-)

  3. SEW excited about Scrap Club AND the fact that Kevin will be coming to my Guild next Spring!!! It's good to see that you made progress on your super scrappy quilt. Looking forward to seeing what comes next!

  4. I LoVe sewing on rainy day... gOOd luck enjoying yours... xox

  5. The 2 1/2 inch squares look huge compared to the postage stamp middle. I don't usually use anything smaller than 2 1/2 so I am in awe of all the tiny pieces you use. I have been as bored as Moe all week. Finally, this morning we have sun.

  6. Great tiny blocks. I'm a large block gal. I'd add Kevin's button, but I don't have a clue how. I like the quilt top so far.
