
Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Scrappy Wednesday

I finished the second half of the Hogwart's Castle and joined those two sections together so now there is a 'full' castle.  This block joins the owl block for the bottom row.  Now it will have to wait for adding to the flimsy - then borders - as there are other things in the que.  Everything has it's time slot.  AND yes, I still have my Christmas table clothe on that table - geesh.  I have a new one, just need to clear that working table so I can put it on.

The last blocks for the Threadology quilt were finished and since this was all laid out, I did put it together.  This is the center of a large Spool Block, so waiting on the instruction release on the spool section and then of course borders.  I have a lot of fabric left from this Connecting Threads "Arcadian Dusk" FQ bundle (second quilt from it) - easily another quilt could be made, but I am thinking of a piano key border for this one instead.

I want to catch up on the Tiny Tuesday blocks in orange and then I will be pulling each of my color totes to make up signature blocks for an event at our local library.  I'm using the block from the Virginia Quilt Museum project, but changed the size.  I have several events in June and I have a 'list' for each one to prep what I need for each one.  I will visit and cross off on each list as I take little break or a walk by so everything is in order in the next few days.  It will take away the stress of preparing while trying to attend - those totes will be piled up in order in the hall so I can grab and go.

One of my prep totes is for a class this Saturday - June 1st - with a wonderful local lady who teaches this technique using Karen Eckmeier's book 'Happy Villages'.  She came and talked to our quild about this process and had several samples to share to wet our interest.

We are very wet, cold, and there happens to be up-grading of the water/sewer lines on our end of the village - today NO water.  BUT this is not as bad as those battling the horrendous tornado season that is beyond the 'alley'.  Prayers for all in harms way. 

Sewingly Yours,


  1. I love your Castle, Sharon--I am not into HP that much, but I love how this piece came out......oooh I hate the no water thing--hope you get back online with your water soon...hugs, Julierose

  2. Hope your water gets back soon. Your castle is cool. Watching your threadology. Interesting quilt

  3. The castle block is amazing. Hope all goes well with the water repairs. Sounds like you have a lot of things in the pipeline.

  4. I love your castle! Yes, the weather has been so nasty for many. Stay safe.

  5. Happy Villages looks like it will be a fun class. Hope you survived the no water day without trouble and that you were reconnected on schedule. Less said about the weather, the better.

  6. Great Hogwarts block. I like the quilt top below.
