
Monday, March 4, 2019

Monday Making

I've started the quilting marathon on the commission pieces.  I decided to start with the largest and probably the most difficult.  It is a simple pattern, but it waves more than a flag.  The patchwork is all hand pieced, but the setting blocks and border were done by machine.  I really think this part was done by another quilter, not the maker of the blocks as there wasn't the same level of 'care' in the work.  OR was the maker using her first machine and not use to it?

With a lot of patting, pinning, and a simple cross hatch - the center was easy to get quilting.  Now the headache.  *I love the cheddar print* 

The wave!  This is what happens when you attach a long strip of fabric without measuring and slap it on.  And there was piecing that was on a slant - hills and valleys!  Three sides where like this, but this is workable. 

It was the 4th side that was like a curtain ruffle.  Normally I would remove these kinds of borders and re-do them, but this is vintage and delicate fabric.  I was afraid it would get damaged in removal so all the tricks have been applied.

I discovered while prepping those borders that there were pencil marks, there was a plan to cut this down to half the width - or possibly scallop.  No scallops on this with such a wave - I'm not crazy.  I stitched to the marks, cut off the extra and that is wide enough to use for the binding so all of the original quilt will be in the quilt.

I think I will quilt the HST next and then I need a day to play with some blocks of my own.  Then back to business.

Sewingly Yours,


  1. Lovely vintage fabric and quilt. Thank you for talking through how you work through difficulties of quilting challenges like this.

  2. Phew, a lot of work with those wrinkles and extra fabric, I had read somewhere to dampen with water spray and ease it it all in as you quilt. vintage, so precious.

  3. What a brilliant solution to a nasty problem!

  4. Clever solution to your problem, and nice that it will all be used in the quilt. I love those blocks.

  5. So many cute fabric in their. Reminds me of a top my MIL made.

  6. My goodness some of thrse quilts are a challenge.
