
Saturday, February 2, 2019

Starting February

I know the new month started yesterday, but I took a day off.  My body and mind said it needed rest and I listened.  I know a lot of people are fascinated with Phil - hey, you take what comes when it comes with weather in these parts.  The rest day gave me the opportunity to make my list for the month.

I chose another small project for cross stitching.  A heart seemed the right pick for the month - filled with early spring flowers.  This should be a quick piece to work up and then fabric frame.  February is a short month, so I'm not extending my list.

I'll keep up with the Temecula Quilt Co One Block Wednesday.  I pulled the few useable pieces from that baggy and stored with the made blocks.  I emptied that baggy with this projected, sorted items into other totes or storage and some was chopped down into the barrel system.  I was thrilled  - but - I received two new baggies of scraps.  You can never get ahead of the game this way.

The RSC19 is to help with clearing scraps.  These little Chandelier Bead Blocks are fun to make and work up quickly.  I'm doing one with light background and .......

one with a dark background.  

I love playing with scraps and this pile is for one of the two Hops I am participating in this month.  Wings and Books are priority, so need to be finished early in the month with a draft post ready.

My tackling of P.I.G.S. (projects in grocery sacks) is being helped by participating in the One Monthly Goal.  My projects are actually in clear totes, but there are too many.  I pulled the Patchwork Sampler QAL that was with Moda 2017.  I finished each set of blocks as they came out which means the last set was Dec. 2017.  I even cut the sashings, cornerstones, and borders.  I think it has sat long enough, so my goal is to get this into a flimsy.  **linking up with OMG

The only QAL I am doing (so far) is the Harry Potter.  If you are doing this one and question my Harry block - yup, I made some 'I can't read instructions' mistakes and made do with what I had.  I'm very weak on flesh color fabrics and this is all scraps - nothing to fix the problem so you work around it.  I have to catch up on the other blocks -and pay better attention to directions.

Our temperatures are suppose to improve over the next few days, so I hope to get out of the house for a bit.  My brother and SIL have the flu and my mom suffered another stroke - I think I need to make a list of things they need and make a grocery/pharmacy run.

Do you watch the results of Phil?
Sewingly Your,


  1. Wow, you have a lot of fun things going on there, love them all but the glasses at the are one busy gal.

  2. Oh no. Hope everyone gets better soon. You need kryptonite girl to stay healthy. Love your projects. Fun.

  3. Love your bead blocks. So sorry to hear of your Mom's stroke again. Sending prayers. You are wise to obey the body needs. Rest is good.

  4. Looks like your keeping busy even if you took a day off. I read the Phil didn’t see his shadow, and so an early spring!

  5. Love your bead blocks! I’m doing the RSC with the Temecula block but probably not as many each week. We will see how far I get! Lol!

  6. You do have quite a few works in progress going! I think Phil is going to be wrong, Easter is about as late as it can possibly be and I think that bodes for a late spring.

  7. First, I am very sorry to hear about your mother. I had not heard you mention her lately and I was hesitant to ask. I have heard you mention the barrel system before and have no idea what that is. I looked it up on good 'ole Google. Some system about tires says the second barrel contains three times the first. I thought "OH NO!!!" So, then I encluded "fabric" also with the search and nothing of value to me appeared. So, I'm in limbo on this. This old dog needs some learning as some say. My English teaching mother is probably spinning in her grave. LOL Are the Chandelier Bead Blocks all supposed to orient the same direction - e.g. right to left (top to bottom)for the blocks that are squares? I think I noticed in the black/gold/white there are two blocks that orient from right to left on the left hand side of the picture. Not being critical - just asking for info. I hope your family is feeling better soon. Some strains of the flu are very "hard" this year. Just to let you know, there are places that have been blessed this year. I went out with 3 of my gal friends today and it was 64F in Tulsa this afternoon. Traffic was like the lakes here on a beautiful weekend day in the summer. It took 20 minutes to go one mile around "the mall" and eating establishments. The wait time at the restaurant was 30 minutes. There were several empty tables - we thought because they did not have enough servers. I have no idea what Phil said today. I grew up in WV and then my first job was in PA, thus I'm very familiar with Phil.

  8. I so believe in listening to your inner self. Hope your Mum is doing as good as she can be. The blocks look wonderful, and fabrics for the new project, they look great together.

  9. Sorry about everyone's health problems. Glad you took a day off to take care of yourself. You can't help others if you aren't well.

  10. Prayers for your mom and others. Love your chandelier blocks!

  11. I love reading your blog for all the great projects you have.

    Sending prayers for healing for all in your family.

    Looking forward to whatever "eye candy" you choose to share with us next.

  12. So sorry to hear about your Mum, I hope she recovers ok. Lots of wonderful projects in your sewing room.

  13. Good luck with your sampler. Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and good luck with your project!
