
Saturday, December 15, 2018

Seeing the End

I rarely work one project from start to end, so working three quilts from first cut to last stitch of a binding - that is pushing me.  I really enjoyed working on these as the lovely prints and  colors just worked so well with this two-block setting.  BUT by the last few rows of 'cross-hatch' quilting, I was so ready for these to be done!

There were three pieces I set aside for backing and each back has these pieced in them.  This wonderful border/row print was used for all of the bindings.  Appropriate as it was the initial piece of fabric that all the other colors/prints were pulled from.

This gal was my challange mixed in with all of this - she LOVED the flannel (and the colors too I think).  I had the worse time keeping her off anything in progess; especially when it came time for quilting.  All that soft, cuddly goodness!  She was scolded, shooed, swatted a few times, and even picked up and set on the time-out chair - hence the evil glare.

Hopefully the camera will be charged by tomorrow (I hate this new camera) so I can  get photos of the three quilts in their finished state - and before the owner comes to pick them up.

I am ready for something NEW,
Sewingly Yours,


  1. Purples, pinks and teals, love them all but a ginger girl steals the show.

  2. So pretty Sharon. And poor Bella. Who could resist a cuddle in that beautiful quilt.

  3. Poor kitty - she's just trying to be helpful! I rarely work on a quilt straight from start to finish, but I recently made three memory quilts, and tried to stay on task. I was so happy when they were finished and in the mail! Can't wait to see your finished project.

  4. It looks like my comment via my cell phone this weekend didn't record. Grr. I was impressed that you finished 3 quilts start to finish. It sounds like Miss Bella was bound & determined to assist you with those quilts!

  5. You have made three beautiful quilts that are so special, but I can understand you are ready for something new. Love the expression on the cats face 😊
