
Thursday, December 6, 2018

Quilting and New

I have still been in quilting mode.  This was another RC18 block quilt.  The centers are cute little froggies and they had a touch of pinky/red in them so I tossed a few red polka dot squares in the green mix.  The back and binding is the limey green.

And this lovely Burgoyne Surrounded quilt is staying right with me.  I love this Nancy Gere fabric line and the block is area history relavant.  It was gifted to me as payment for all the donated fabrics I share with the gals that come to sew.  Well, one insisted she pay me for all that fabric and I told her to bring me an ugly.  This is what she gave me - Thank You Diane!  Not ugly to me and yes, I am keeping this one.

Then I have this tote to play in for the next few days.  A new commission using all of these flannels - one corderoy and one cotton.  These were used to cover hay bales for an outdoor farm wedding.  Now the mom wants three memory quilts from all of this - and I think there is enough for 10 quilts.  I pulled the lightest ones out to use as pieced backs.

This is the pattern she chose and it is perfect for this abundance of lovely fabrics.  I know a lot of people hate to work with flannel, but this is very good quality flannel and there are some prints in that tote that I would love to have in my own stash.  ** pattern is called Abundance but I have no reference and when I google search - 1000 plus abundance patterns popped up except this one **

So this is my next few days work - and scrappy goodness as well.  We are into a very cold snap with possible heavy snow thru the weekend; I think I can amuse myself indoors.

Sewingly Yours,


  1. Wonderful quilts and quilting. I love a good flannel quilt. The ones I’ve made have taught me to take a deeper seam allowance, however. They’ve frayed and come apart at the seams in places, and I’m patching them by sewing a swatch of fabric over the top. The very definition of patchwork, I’d say. I like that Abundance pattern.

  2. Oh my goodness what a wonderful way to remember such a special day. Love the idea of re-purposing the hay bail covers!

  3. I love the abundance pattern. The flannels will make great quilts. Happy playing!

  4. Love the froggie quilt, enjoy playing with all that fabric, it is a great way of using it. The pattern chosen if very nice.

  5. The frog give quilt is darling! The flannels wil make wonderful snuggle quilts! The more they’re washed the softer they get! Great for a cold day and a book!

  6. Froggy and abundance are both beautiful quilts. How fun to work with all those flannels

  7. Love the froggies! You've been very busy sewing up a storm during all that cold weather in your part of the world. Enjoy your new project, playing with flannel sounds nice considering the time of year. Happy stitching this week.

  8. We are supposed to get 10-20 inches of snow starting early tomorrow morning. Which means I won't be able to leave the house for at least 5 days, and I hope the power stays on. I'll be sewing away! Went to the stores yesterday to lay in supplies for a week long snow-in. Slow cooker ready!

  9. You should have SEW much fun with that bin of fabric!! I really like the pattern that was chosen for the quilts you will make. Thanks for posting the photo!!

  10. Love the froggies and the Burgoyne! I'm glad you're keeping the BS for yourself!
    Love that Abundance pattern,too. (I see a way to use some of my 4-patches to make it, too - filing the idea away for later.) Good luck with the flannels! I've never used them for anything but pajamas, but I remember fighting a lot of ravely edges...

  11. That is a nice pattern for that variety of fabric. Have fun!
