
Saturday, November 10, 2018

Secret Santa

Another cold, rainy, snowy day makes for great sewing time.  I want to make the next step of the Temecula Quilt Co mystery - 48 little 4-patches.  These finished steps are looking really scrappy, so I am going to do the 4-patches in just one red (I haven't used yet) and one lite (not used yet).  Sometimes you need a little balance.

I just have to run out for recycling, but I plan on sticking to home as my Mom took another fall and has been getting weaker.  So today the nurse and PT are coming in for another eval and I need to be here.  AND the other day the water main to my brother's little house on the farm broke, so we have someone coming in for an eval of that situation - do we fix, or do we condemn.  

Some more reorganizing, maybe some housework, a crockpot meal - just trying to breath.

Anyone traveling, take care as I see the weather and conditions around the US are a bit of difficulty.

Sewingly Yours,


  1. So sorry to hear of your Moms fall. I hope she will be ok. And the water main ahhhhhh it's always something as Rosanadan would say. Hugs.

  2. Shame about your Mom..hope she gets to feeling better soon...
    I LOVE your blocks for the Tem. Quilt Co mystery--so pretty...
    Looking forward to seeing how they will fit together...hugs for a great weekend--stay safe...Julierose

  3. I’m saving all the instructions for the TQC Mystery. I’m sworn off mysteries, and I’m waiting to see what it will look like when it’s finished. Sorry about your Mom.

  4. Hope you get some help for your Mum, sounds like the right people will visit.And inside seems to be the best plane for a few days too. So good to get some fabric in place.

  5. That's a lot to deal with all at once. Best wishes for getting some time to breathe while keeping everything under control!

  6. Gosh, Sharon ... a lot on your plate right now. I'm so sorry especially to hear about your mom's fall. Enjoy some stitching time if you're able. Hugs. :)

  7. I agree that some constants help balance a scrappy quilt. Hope your mom bounces back (that may be a poor choice of expression, but you know what I mean).

  8. You've got some very fun scrappy blocks there. Hope you mother is doing better and that you got only good news from the evaluations.

  9. Prayers for your mom and wishes of encouragement for you. Take care of yourself. The weather certainly did turn rapidly. The high winds this week have completely stripped the leaves from the trees. Stay warm and busy.

  10. OH dear Sharon... so much stress going on... you need to sew :)
    Love seeing all your little mystery blocks... I'm right behind you!
