
Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Scrappy Wednesday

I did a simple quilting on these table runners my Mom had made many years ago as teaching samples.  I used a red-check flannel on both backs.

Now time to decide if I want that red check for the binding or hunt for something else.  My problem being these are old fabrics with such different 'hue' than anything that I have on hand.

I'd like to finish getting all the borders attached to this piece so the hand quilting can be worked on for Slow Sunday Stitching.  Yes, border!  I have all the scrappy ones made and the plain ones are cut - it's just doing it.

Then it will be a play date with scraps from the gifted bag filled with wonders.  I have wanted to work on the 'Beginnings' QAL project for some time, but I wanted to finish up a few things in 'that pile'.  So with the runners quilted and (keep kicking myself) the borders done - I can allow myself to start working on this one.

This is from my Mom's B'Day Tea at the library.  She was presented a citation from the Legislation by our Assemblyman as well as a service award from the Cooperative Extension for her years of work with the 
4-H program and a certificate for service from the local ambulance squad as one of their founder members.  In the photo is our Asemblyman, Chris Tague, Mom, my eldest brother John, and her sister Lois (the aunt whom I do the quilting for).  The quilt is my Mom's T-shirt quilt.

I don't have a photo of the two gals that came dressed in the T-Rex costumes - so my Mom wouldn't be the only dinasour at the party.

Sewingly Yours,


  1. What a nice party. I feel privileged to have seen your mom’s t-shirt quilt in person!!

  2. How wonderful and it looked like a great day for her. I do hope she is feeling a lot better now. Hugs, Susiexx

  3. Happy birthday to your Mom.

    It is my Mum's 90th today. Wish I had thought of the dinosaur costume idea!

  4. I'm glad to see your mom was feeling well enough to celebrate her big day.

  5. Looks like it was a great party. So glad your Mom was able to attend to receive her many recognitions for services well done.

  6. What a wonderful party, it is great that you Mom could be honored that way. I love the table runners and the t-shirt quilt is great.

  7. Looks like you got in some really good stitching time this week. What a fun party for your mom. Love the two ladies who thought of the T-rex costumes. I hope you Mother had a blast.
