
Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Scrappy Wednesday

Well, I'm suppose to be adding borders to some quilts.  I hate borders.  So I dumped a new box of scraps on the table instead.  Bella took up napping rights in this new nest.

Moe on the other hand preferred the box.  Ah, my 'Moe in the Box' - just love it. They want to remind you that the Pets on Quilts Show is starting on the 10th, so get those cameras snapping.

There are a lot of blues in this pile with some w/w that I can get a few of these Churn Dashes made.  It will be a good start to a Wounded Warriors quilt come the December winter games in Windham.  The smaller bits will go into some tiny 9-patches that will be used in something else.

We had a sudden storm with wild winds and heavy rains yesterday - my poor vegies got clobbered and I hope I can set them straight.  More rain today and tomorrow which means we will be on flood alert again.  I will keep my nervous furkids comforted and sew the days away.

Sewingly Yours,


  1. Hope the flooding does not happen, and all good times can be spent quilting.

  2. Nice churndashes but I really like your Moe in the

  3. Think we should rename the churn dash to Moe in the box? He is so cute sleeping there.

  4. What sweet kitties! Hope you have a nice sewing day and no floods!

  5. My goodness you’ve had a lot of rain! Too bad about your tomatoes. Moe is demonstrating the “If I fits, I sits” axiom. Have fun with your scraps. Your comment in response to mine gave me a chuckle.

  6. Picasso loves a box to play and sleep in. I love the churn dash blocks. I hope you don't get flooding. They predicted heavy rain and thunderstorms in London but so far it hasn't happened.

  7. Looks like Moe has the best hiding spot.

  8. I have one side of border to attach to one quilt, then I need to cut and stitch borders for a 2nd quilt top. I've been avoiding them for months now. Since both need to be quilted, I can't avoid them any longer.

  9. I've never seen a cat who could resist a box!
    Hoping you don't get flooded. Our rain today is the slow steady sort. Polite rain.

  10. I really enjoy seeing your cats helping and exploring!! 😆😆 love the chrun dash blocks. Hope you are ok with all that rain.

  11. Thanks for the shout out! Love ya!
