
Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Scrappy Wednesday

I've pulled out the Debbi Mumm Anniversary Sampler that needed the bottom row attached, then added the black stop border.  I've decided not to add the patchwork blocks in the outer border as I felt it would take away from the pretty center.  Instead I am going with just a plain outer border.  I have to let this sit to decide on the green homespun or the maroon print.  I'm leaning toward the homespun.

Here's all the patchwork blocks for that outer border - see, too busy.  I can reset these into it's own little wallhanging - if I can get Moe off of them.

I have loved watching SALLY work on her little spools and inspired to start another squirrel project.  I picked up this box of 30's scraps at our quilt guild swap night and have a lot of w/w's (fat quarter size) that need using up.  This should make a sweet quilt.

A reminder that voting has begun for the Pets on Quilts Show entries.  You can vote HERE on this Lily Pad Quilting post and you can find all the entries on THIS POST.  Please take the time to visit each and leave a comment.  When voting, it would be nice to pick one Dog, one Cat and one Quilt Theme entry - everyone took time to set up a post and enter, so take time to vote in all catagories.

It's to be another rainy day - let's sew!
Sewingly Yours,


  1. Love your quilt. I agree, it didn't need a border of busy blocks. The new quilt made from the Guild Swap will be great.

  2. The sampler quilt turned out beautifully! The border blocks would be a bit busy, so I like your idea of a plainer border. I like the darker red as a border, but either choice would work well. Happy stitching this week.

  3. I like quilts like that, with unequal blocks and lots of charm, beautiful job! I agree with your border too.

  4. Your unused Debi Mumm blocvks will make a great small quilt on their own. I went over to Sally's to see her spool blocks. I can definitely see why you are tempted to make some of your own.

  5. Oh, how fun to see your version. It looks so much different from mine just because different scraps were used. I don’t blame you for skipping that pieced border. I made all the blocks before sewing anything together, and so I already had them done at the end. Might as well include them.

  6. Your Debbie Mumm Anniversary Sampler is wonderful. I agree with you about the busy blocks. The setting you have now is much better. You can't go wrong with either of these border fabric choices. Looking forward to seeing how you finish this ... :-) Pat

  7. Lovely quilt..great box of scraps.

  8. How pretty your sampler is! I like your quilt-holder-down cat, too! :)

  9. Love your quilt and plain border makes sense
