
Friday, July 27, 2018

Feline Friday & Winner

My snoopervisor says my table is too crowded for a good place to nap - "need to make more progess on those projects, Mom".  Also, he reminded me that it is time to announce the winner of the 12 Day of Christmas in July give away.

Such a cool effect of the organza! it really does look like shimmering snow! Love those fabrics and panel...I'm thinking they'd make a great set of holiday placemats.

I will send a private notice for mailing information, but mail out will be on Monday as I am busy.....



  1. Hi Sharon - it’s been a while since I’ve visited - so glad you are still blogging so much :) have a wonderful time at the quilt show !

  2. Shoot! How did I miss your giveaway. It must have posted when I was sick. Congratulations to the winner.
