
Friday, July 13, 2018

Enjoying a Picnic

This was the check in table for our annual Catskill Mountain Quilters Hall of Fame picnic meeting.  Sign in sheet for members attending, dues to be paid by each guild, collecting the baskets that would be raffled off later in the afternoon, and room for any one to layout their quilt show, activity letter, flyers.

There is a block lotto each year with the prior year's committee selecting the 'theme'.  As you can see it was 'Patriotic' for this year.  Any red/white/blue 12.5" unfinished block.

And there were a LOT of them!

And more!  They stretched across the one end of the pavillion and then some.  There were 60 blocks total and they were bundled into SIX groups of TEN blocks each and raffled off in the afternoon.

We asked that the winners bring back their blocks in finished project.  Last year we had SIX groupings as well with the black/white blocks.   Five people brought back quilts.  Note - there is a lovely wool scarf on the end for show and tell.  A class some members took on needle felting bits of various wools into a scarf.

One with a lot of 'novelty' blocks and the other very geometric.  Two members from two different guilds and they chose to set them so similar.

And the last one - has my night/day star in it.  Yes, the quilts and show and tell items are hung around the outside of this huge pavillion so you are literally sitting in the middle of a quilt show.

The colorful sampler was a picnic lottory win from 2015.  Hey, she finished the quilt.  And I brought my temperature quilt (unfinished) to share.  I was surprised that no one had heard of such a thing and were intrigued to maybe work on something for a guild project.

An applique done in a class/retreat - fun.  Another sampler that was completed from lottory blocks won in 2016.

A beautiful quilt that was being raffled by one of the quilds.

I fell in love with this one.  So modern and loved the soft color and texture of fabrics she chose.  It surprised me when it turned out to be one of our 'elder' members and the story was that she was inpired by the cracked walk in her flower gardens.

 I missed an entire side of display due to too many people in the way and I had to get the meeting started - so we could eat!  There were lots of show & tell that were hand-shown, but the camera was packed by then.

We also had a rotation of four-station mini classes to participate in:  Cavewomen blocks (improv), French boutis applique, a mini tuffet bowl, and several methods of making HSTs (me). 

No pictures of people as some didn't want their photo on the web, but we had 69 in attendance.  A good day with good food, lovely sharing and lots of inspiration.

Sewingly Yours,


  1. What a wonderful day! A quilt show display, food, and mini classes sounds fun. You really work hard at putting together a good gathering. Loved the inspiration story for the last one.

  2. This looks like such a fun way to spend your day!

  3. Quilters see designs in so many unusual places, carpets, floor tiles, and now a path in a garden.What a great display of the quilts.

  4. Looks like it was fun. Thanks for the pictures.

  5. Wow what a beautiful array of wonderful art. Thank you so much for sharing.

  6. So many beautiful quilts, sounds like you had a busy day! So nice to see the lotto blocks coming back made into a quilt.

  7. thanks for the quilt show. So fun to see how different people interpret settings for blocks.

  8. This looks like a fun event. I noticed your night and day block right away. I made one for a challenge once, and I think it took me three tries to get it right.

  9. Sharon, what a wonderful recap of a day! I feel as if I were there with you. The quilts are amazing. It catches my breath as to what others are able to do with many related blocks that also are seemingly unrelated and end up with a beautiful quilt. I loved your story of the 'elder' member and the inspiration. That's encouraging to each of us as we age. Job well done by you, too.

  10. Wow, you have a group of very talented quilters. Thanks for sharing all the eye candy, there's some very pretty and fun quilts.
