
Wednesday, July 18, 2018


With not sewing a thing for almost two weeks, it really throws off your rythmn.  Even if I only got that 15 minutes in, I had a flow.  It is taking some time to get things back into a more comfortable working style.  
I have so many projects on the go, but I knew what was what and where - not now.  

Then I added this on top of it to muddle things more.  1000 triangles from my Mom during her big sale.  I do have a plan and you can see I quickly stitched up 170 HSTs.  The problem is there are more dark triangles than light - so I will add to this with gifted scraps.

The hexie diamond project has been my carry-along project while I do all this traveling this month.  BUT, I have used up the last JR strip of cheddar and have to hunt up the baggy of gifted cheddars from guild members so I can carry on with this.  I hate having to hunt up things that once were at hand - bemuddled!

Then I made the mistake of dumping that big bag of gifted scraps to look for some lights and other items to add to projects.  Was so tempted to play, but I slapped my hands and put some of the fabrics into the scrap user system and the rest went back into the bag.

I hope you folks can help me with another bemuddled search.  I am looking for a Block a Week that I think was run by Moda (?) some years ago.  Blocks designed by many people, but they were charted for 4 different sizes.  I know I saved the printed pdf's (not saved on the computer), but cannot locate.  So if you know of which BAW I am talking about and how to find it again on-line - thank you if you can help. 

I hope the mud clears soon - I'm far behind the eight ball,
Sewingly Yours,


  1. The mud will clear soon. I feel similar here being laid up by a spider. Love your hst and everyone knows cheddar is betta

  2. I stay bemuddled---love your word! It is exactly right and rolls around and out with just the right sound to describe the condition. Lots of method in the madness of gifted scraps.

  3. Bear Creek Quilting does Moda Blockheads, a block of the week, but I don't know that they keep the old ones. Can you tell us more about the design, like was it stars or some theme?

  4. At my "ancient-ness" time of life--Befuddled is the norm,I hate it when I KNOW I just saw it or remember it from earlier!! And this is a daily occurrence...hope you find your sewing "feet" soon...hugs, Julierose

  5. Every time I have to pack up my sewing room, it takes days to get back in the rhythm of sewing again. I've already had to pack it up once this month, and will have to do it again this weekend. I always 'lose' stuff in the process, no matter how hard I try not to. Good luck getting your rhythm back.

  6. Having been sick for half the week, I can sympathize. No sewing at this end either...or anything else either. At least you’ve been doing something productive. A thousand HST’s sounds daunting to me, but you’re just the person who can tackle those and win.

  7. I'm feeling your pain right now. It's hard when you loose those precious moments of stitching. Hoping we both get back into the swing of things again soon!

  8. I love the idea of a pile of 1,000 HSTs waiting to be used. I love the way the hexagons look. Did you draw out the color way before you started. I'm having a hard time moving forward with my hexagon project thinking about the future direction of my hexagon project. I can't decide whether I should applique each group of rosettes to a background fabric or attach them to each other with a hexagon pathway in between the rosettes.

  9. I think befuddled happens to us all at some stage or other, I am sure you will slot back into the sewing rythmn very soon. Well done with all those triangles, that would be a scary taks for me. Cant help with the BOM I am sorry.

  10. Hope you've been able to find all the things you've been looking for. It's always a struggle to my head back in the groove if I've been out of the sewing room for a while.

  11. Bemuddled has become my normal, I think...
    Good luck with your searching and sewing. (I'm shifting my studio up to the main house and I currently can't find half the things I need, so I can sympathize.)

  12. Hey Ho - I'm trying to catch up with blogs - seems like forever since I've checked yours :( I love those cheddar hexies - I hope you were able to find your other stash of the cheddar to keep it going.
