
Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Scrappy Wednesday

Ha!  Even with the new camera I can take blurry pictures.  The plaid scraps are now a flimsy baby quilt.  AND no, I did  not use up all of the plaids (stripes, yes), wovens, and shirting.  It' s something that just needed taming and I'm sure will get added to over time.

Then another baggy was pulled from the shelf.  Flannel pieces to use up for another baby quilt.  Hmm, lots of bits from 'The Cow Jumped Over the Moon' - fun.  The pink with cute bears in it was not a flannel and popped off to another tote.

Just something really quick, patchwork with larger patches.  And used the last bits to make a pillow.  I have some quilter's flannel that should be enough for the back of the quilt and to envelope the pillow top. Those flannels are now gone!

I have some commission work (quilting) coming Thursday, so I have another day to play rather than try and squeeze another large quilt from the quilt que.  I don't buy juvenile prints, but I have been tucking pieces as they come in all those gifted bags.  I don't get a lot of them either, so this has taken a long time to fill a tote.  I actually see three quilts amongst all of this, but one more baby quilt will do for now.

A piece of a border fabric was in this goodness and I don't even remember receiving this.  Maybe something I might have even used back with a swap at one time?  If I can't remember, it has sat for too long.

Some coordinates in this line as well as some other school print fabric scraps.  Now to check size of bits and come up with a plan.  This should go quickly so maybe I can get all these baby quilts sandwiched and ready for quilting.

I totally have not made the last temperature rosette.  I have a record of all the temps for the week, but not one hexie was made.  I was focused on quilting and then I had the 'squirrel' moment of some scrap play.  It will get done, but the finished top - not until after the new commission work now.  SOmetimes the best laid plans..........

Take time to play,
Sewingly Yours,


  1. When life hands you scraps, make a quilt.

  2. Oh, I need to do that too. I have a few juvenile prints that do need to be put into kid quilts for Project Linus. Squirrel!!

  3. Very cute quilts. I believe I have some fabric panels I can use for this.

  4. Progress toward using up the scraps is good enough. Claim it a success!!

  5. Your scrap quilts have gone together really fast, great collection of kids prints.

  6. It looks like you've made great use of those scraps. Pretty quilts!

  7. You always inspire me with your use of scraps. I have one of those plaid and stripe quilts here somewhere too....

  8. Great use of scraps! I especially love your plaid top. I see that a a snuggle quilt for the sofa! So comfy!

  9. Love how you are using up your scraps, particularly the plaids and stripes quilt. I love both sorts of fabrics but never seem to accumulate enough for a quilt like the one you made.

  10. You find such fun patterns for yours scraps. You've made lots of scrappy progress. Happy stitching this weekend.

  11. I hear ya about the "best laid plans". I've been trying to work on some of my own projects but more quilting for customers keeps coming in. I won't complaint though about work that pays.
