
Friday, May 25, 2018

Winning Stars

Thanks to a squirell (or chipper)  this lone varigated tulip came up in the bed.  It looks a bit like a star.

And my precious apple tree planted for my Dad.  It was marked as a miniature, but it sure fooled us!  BUT, I love this tree and it was loaded with blossoms and bees this year.  Fingers crossed those happy buzzies did their business and we have an abundance of apples this year.

The winning stars of my give away during the Star Blog Hop are:

Anna Brown and Siouxzq

I will be sending out personal e-mails for mailing info and hope to get them out right after the holiday.

Sewingly Yours,


  1. One tulip and the huge apple tree, they are winners in the garden, and to Anna and Siouxzq, congratulations too.

  2. Beautiful tulip and tree. And congrats to the winners.

  3. Congratulations to the winners. As you know, the squirrels assist in our landscaping efforts here at the Three Cats Ranch. Possibly your “miniature” tree would be even GIANT...were it not a miniature.

  4. Such beautiful shots of spring. Wishing you apples and apples and more apples. Congrats to the winners.

  5. Glad to see you finally got a glimpse of spring. We went straight from winter to summer it seems. Congrats to the two star winners!

  6. I really like your new decorative designs! it's so beautiful so much and good idea on site.

