
Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Scrappy Wednesday

Happy dance that the braided rail fence quilt is now a flimsy!  All those partial seams really were not the bother, just the jigsaw puzzle layout that had to be kept as things went together.  AND those stripes zig and zagging did make the eyes weary.  This was to use up a lot of left over Kona black strips and the collection of solids over time.

You can see we jumped right from that long winter into Summer like weather.  Those are light springy greens - not yellow (not yet).  I started my temperature quilt on Summer Solstice and that is quickly coming back around.  I need to get a row of rosettes stitched down so when I hit that last one, this one is a flimsy.  SARAH is starting another temperature sew along, but I think once is enough for me.

76 - 71 - 76 - 78 - 68 - 76 - 77

The next project to get into the flimsy stage is the black/white brick quilt.  I've decided to go with just a white sash and border rather than a color.  This reminds me of the Harlequin dolls for some reason.

I probably have about 300 1.5" HSTs from the last baggy of blue bits, but I found these to be added.  I'm sure there are more and as I am not sure how I will use them, I will continue to make them up.  I'll chain a bunch as well as use them as leader/enders.  They will surprisingly get done fast using both methods.  I even pull a few to trim down in between other things as breaks.  Ha, who takes a break to trim a mess of HSTs?

Sewingly Yours,


  1. May my hands be guided by the same love and care with every quilt I make.

  2. I really like the rail fence. Maybe not enough to work on all the partial seams. But enough to admire yours from afar. Just a little drulling but no one is looking.

  3. The rail fence looks great. I don't know if you are familiar with licorice allsorts, but that's what your quilt reminds me of.

    Looking forward to seeing your temperatures all together! Today is the 2nd-last day of mine.

  4. The braided rail fence was well worth the bother! Can’t wait to see ur dinished temperature quilt. Is the “test” comment working in notifying you of comments? No such luck with my blog.

  5. Wow, the rail fence is so stunning. Temperatures, we are dropping a little every day now, 2C this morning, some places a long way further south had -6.6 C.

  6. LOVE the strip top in great colors. I am with you on trimming for a break. If it is trimmed it will get used.

  7. Love your rail fence. And trimming during break. mean others don't do that??? Lol your temp quilt is looking good.

  8. The braided rail fence quilt is gorgeous. Well done xox

  9. Love your braided rail fence quilt! It's bold and beautiful. Oh so you got the week of spring then right into summer too? Have fun playing with your HSTs and may you find just the right scrappy adventure to embark on this weekend.

  10. Oh my gosh...what a fun quilt! I’m looking forward to seeing the bricks sewn together too. Can’t quite picture it as it is.

  11. I love the rail fence quilt. I can't imagine it looking as special without the black strips. I actually like to trim HSTs more than I like to make them. Maybe, it's because I am so off when making them that trimming them down salvages any mis-sewing.

  12. Ooo, that rail fence is gorgeous! I like the black and white bricks also can't wait to see that finished.

  13. What a fun way to use up strips. I love how bright and cheery it is.

  14. Hard to believe it's almost been a year of temperature hexies!
