
Saturday, May 19, 2018

Petals, Threads, & Leaves

We went to take a tour of the Library flower/quilt show in the afternoon.  I heard it had been very well received and a lot of visitors.  This is one of the Kandu Jackets made during one of our guild challenges and was set with a beautifully matched arrangement by one of the garden club members.

Another guild challenge of dimensional flowers paired with just the cutest wire basket filled with a simple vase of matching flowers - and some old wooden spools to fill the basket and support the vase.

Another dimensional piece paired so lovely - just so stiking!

I just loved this setting in this little room.  That is a handcarved/painted table top - would love that piece in my house.

The lilac room where the Tea will be held today.  Oh, how you could smell these as you walked up the stairs to the upper rooms.  There are a few pieces in here to coordinate with this lovely setting.

One of our members made this for her Mom who lost her home to the Irene flood - she loved her lilacs out her kitchen window.

Another Kandu Jacket with a beautiful basket display to match.

A sweet postage stamp table topper with a prairie point border set so lovely in this alcove.  I just love a clear vase filled with cut flowers - and I adore doilies!

The meeting room's long plank table set so cute with the water-color flower basket and the floral arrangement made to match.  The quilt draped on the corner chair just adds to the elements.

An antique linen table clothe paired so softely with these two miniatures that a member made to use up scraps from a quilt.

And then my camera decided to freeze up (yes, I need a new one).  There are two very large ornate fireplace mantels in this lovely old home/now library.

There are several more arrangements/displays thru out that I would have loved to share.  At this time the crowd was arriving to make the fabric covered planters (yes, we donated fabrics) and they had lovely pansies to plant, too.  I am anxious to hear the number of people who attend that part of the event as they were dragging more tables and chairs out.

Well, I better get a few things done so I can go attend Tea this afternoon.

Sewingly Yours,


  1. What a beautiful display...having a library in an old building like that is very special.

  2. Love the idea of a combined quilt and flower show! Shame about the camera letting you down.

  3. That is a great concept, combining quilts/quilted items and flowers. I will definitely keep this idea stored away for the future.

  4. I can't think of anything better than books, quilts and flowers. Just lock me away in the library and I will be fine, no need for anything else!!! I love all the displays, you look as if you had a wonderful day thanks for sharing it with us. Hugs, Susie x

  5. Those are so awesome
    Thanks for sharing
    So many cool little vignettes

  6. What a fun show, and what a great way to see these pieces being put to use. I love those lilacs.

  7. What a library! I really enjoyed this post. The combination of quilts, flowers, and books was so homey. You’ve got me thinking about making a small quilt or two to go with cut flowers from my garden. What fun!

  8. This is a great idea The flower arrangements complement the quilts/jackets perfectly.

  9. This is so beautiful with the flowers chosen to go with the jackets, quilts and table settings. A lot of thought, work, and I do hope it was all really appreciated.

  10. Pretty quilts and flowers. Thanks for the show.
