
Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Scrappy Wednesday

I hope you enjoyed your Easter weekend - some time off for me was much needed.  I'm back at working thru the last couple of gifted bags of scraps.  This one has a lot of reds and strattas.  The yellows will get pulled for the RSC color of the month - maybe another pineapple mini.

Some of those strattas sub-cut and being used for 9-patch blocks.  This will be a good project to get back into the routine.

The next temperature rosette needs yesterday's hexie added to be complete.  We are being teased with days of going into the next color and then back.  Yes, we are still getting snow, but nothing that stays too long.  Today is an 'ice' day, so I am sticking to home.

 39 - 46 -46 -48 -38 -37 -34

This will be a center for a new project.  These are the corner cut-offs from the Meadows' Mountains quilt.  Trying to tackle that tote of HSTs.

These were some more cute strattas in that grocery bag - border for the next mini?  I have a couple of slip pulls to reveal.  My monthly block is Puss in the Window.  And I had that give away of my solid scraps.  Since there were just three interested, I did up slips and pulled one.  Dawn at SewYouQuilt2 is the winner and I will contact her.  

Hope you get to play today,
Sewingly Yours,


  1. Congratulations dawn--lucky you;)))
    I like your rosettes, Sharon; are you going to applique them onto solid backgrounds? We are shrouded in fog this morning here--at least that gets rid of
    the SNOW!! hugs, Julierose

  2. Your weather aounds like it wants to be spring and then changes its mind!! Your hexies are great colours. Like what you have done with the corner cut offs.

  3. Our weather is doing the same thing, freezing one day, warm the next then back to freezing. They are predicting snow showers for the weekend. Looks like you've made good use of your gifted scraps, you've got a great start on several fun projects.

  4. Thanks for picking me. So excited! We are still cold here too. Grrrr

  5. Oh is the worst. Looks like a good day for sewing those scraps. I’m determined to get going on my Rainbow quilt for the year. I didn’t do one last year. I’ve kept track of colors, and I think that’s next on my list...catching up to April. First, I have to decide what I’m going to make.

  6. I always admire how creative you are with the never ending scraps. As you know, my brain often stops at hexie ideas 😇

  7. The cutoffs look great together. It reminds me of a harlequin print.

  8. I like the way you have put the HSTs together.

    It looks like your temperatures have crept above freezing. That's got to be good!

  9. It was in the 80s today. A big noisy front is coming through right now. It's suppose to drop to 47. The weather can't make up it's kind here either. Great scrapping.
