
Friday, March 16, 2018

Whooping up Friday

I am slowly getting the Temecula Quilt Co snowball blocks together.  I'm not one who likes to pin a lot, but I am taking care to match those little flip corners using a whole lot of them.  The sewing part isn't what is taking so long to do...............

It's the pressing!  I am pressing seams open and that takes a long time - and some burnt fingers.    These are to be set 13 blocks a row and 16 rows so I have about a 1/3 of the quilt assembled.

Since I'm not a quilter who just concentrates on one project at a time, I am switching out to start some work using those strings I stitched to the phone paper.  I have a leader/ender project by the machine too - that will help get a jump on that.

These three projects will carry me nicely thru the weekend.  AND hopefully no more snow.  However, we are to get bitter cold again.  Maybe I will find something yummy to put the crockpot to good use and add some cozy to the house.

Sewingly Yours,


  1. Love the strings and was gonna do the snowball quilt too. I have too many irons in the fire already boo hoo hoping this next storm is nothing grrrrrr

  2. Beautiful quilts, and I hear you on the multiple projects - I think I currently have four going on at the same time! It makes me feel like I have a split personality, but it does help keep me from getting too bored with any one project. Your snowball quilt is lovely, and those string strips have given me an idea for another project.....

  3. Two words- seam stick. I bought one and no more burnt fingers. It helps the seams open, too. It is a wood dowel, one side cut flat with a cloth cover. I think your work is terrific.

  4. I am also slow at sewing the snowball quilt. I still have a few blocks to make before I can sew blocks into strips, Yours is coming along nicely.

  5. You've made a lot of progress with you snowballs. Stay warm, spring can't be too far off.

  6. Matching flip corners AND pressing open ... you're a brave woman! I love snowballs but I think I've avoided doing them just because of the matching.

  7. Another vote for the Strip Stick when pressing seams open. I have multiple projects going at a time also. Often too many!

  8. They're looking good. It's been fun watching you do these while I'm visiting the store here on the west coast.

  9. Oh, my, pressing all those seams open is really a pain in the... umm... fingers. Not envying you at all!
    Looking forward to seeing what those strings become!

  10. This is one of the prettiest snowball quilts I've ever seen! I think it's worth the effort! I only work on one project at a time, except for leader/enders.

  11. Your snow ball blocks looking great. Thanks for the idea of
    pressing the seams open.

  12. I was also going to suggest the strip stick but I see I'm late to the game. I've been using mine for a hunters star and it's a life (and burned finger) saver. Love your snowballs - wish I had joined in...

  13. The snowball quilt is lovely and worth the extra effort... pins and pressing :)

  14. I adore your snowball blocks! Your matching of seams is awesome! Gotta love tradition!
