
Friday, March 23, 2018

Whooping Friday

I have four of the on point 4-patch blocks done for the newest project.  I should call it the 'squirrel' project as my mantra for the year 'focus' has just gone out the window early in the year!  But aren't these cute?

This drew me away (0R is it awray OR awry?), too.  This baggy of left over solid JR strips kept falling off the shelf so I decided to tame it.  I had used a few for a project a long time ago, a student used some, now to finish it off.

Cant' be anything easier than boxed squares - which just was a pull from the barrel system.  We shall see how many I can get from this pile of 'desert' color strips.  There is a semi-plan in the back of my mind - as long as I don't get distracted by another squirrel.

I rarely get a photo of the two together, but this is how things have gotten with the constant cold and snow.  They are getting on each other's nerves and play becomes a battle.  We are going into a dry and little warmer trend, so I hope they get outdoors.  That, or the broom stays ready for a 'sweep' out the door.

Now to focus on those boxed squares,
Sewingly Yours,


  1. The little 4 patches are delightful! Always a favorite to play with. I find the boxed squares so addictive as they always have a different look. Our sun is out today....but not much warmer. soon we will complain of the heat down here.

  2. Sweet blocks. Cute name (Squirrel Project). LOL. I think you'll finish it this year.

  3. Those four-patches are so cute. I love the colors for the square in a box too. I know how hard it is to keep focused! I've been trying reeeely, reeeely hard to not squirrel. It's a huge task! Remember, just because you fell once doesn't mean you can't pick yourself up, dust yourself off and start all over again!

  4. On point blocks are so bright and lovely, this will be stunning when all together. Cats playing, then it turns to something more serious, like yesterday down here, the new ginger boy started playing with Boris, then chased him, then it got almost nasty!!! No scratches yet.

  5. Love those boxed squares...great desert colors going on there hugs, Julierose

  6. Love all your blocks. Great projects.

  7. Love your 4 patch blocks they look very effective. The block in blocks are great too, looking forward to see your plan for them. Hope the cats can get outside soon.

  8. Your four patches look terrific! (And another block to add to my ever-growing file of fantastic four-patches quilts!)
    Good luck with your squirrels! And with those cabin fevered cats!

  9. You are certainly staying focused Sharon! Good job. Can you believe you are still talking about snow. Poor kitties are just as bad as kids aren't they. Hoping spring finds you soon.

  10. Very cute! The picture of the kitties made me lol. Thanks.

  11. Focus??? Focus!!! I'm not familiar with that.😁😁😁

  12. Even in unfocused mode you manage to get a lot done. I really like those dessert colors in the boxy blocks.

  13. I love where your lack of focus takes you.

  14. Sometimes "squirreling" leads us into a whole new wonderful direction. At least, that's what I tell myself. The on-point four patches look like fun. I can't blame the kitties for getting frisky with each other. We still have piles of snow around our house and it's starting to get to me.

  15. Oh, I love your 4-patches!! And my mantra is "oh, look, something shiny!!" LOL!!
