
Thursday, March 1, 2018

March Lion

Well March has decided to roar into our area.  I live in that PINK zone.  Lots of snow and some very bad winds.  We probably will be buried and without power.  National Grid has brought in a lot of trucks and county plows are ready - a State of Emergency has been called.  It started snowing around 9pm EST and it is expected to last for 24 hrs.

In case we lose power, I ran my machine like no tomorrow all day Thursday.  I needed seventy 4-patches to go with those thirty six 16-patches.  It's so handy to have those barrels of scraps cut down to working sizes.

All done and pressed and ready for a little squaring up.  Next I need fifty five 4.5" squares.  I have pulled my barrel containing 5" cuts and left over charms.  The rotary cutter may be my tool for the day.

I have a small piece that I am handquilting that might see some activity should the power go.  And there is always the hexie projects.  We have supplies and a generator; and I filled some jugs with water (drinking) as well as some pails (toilet).... oh, and the shovel is by the door ...  ready.

Stay safe out there,
Sewingly Yours,


  1. That doesn't sound like fun - hope all goes well!

  2. Here is hoping the forecast is wrong and you are not snow bound/ house bound. You sound prepared and with a plan, so that is always half the battle. Stay warm, too.

  3. Stay safe. Hopefully if you are housebound the power stays on.

    Here in central NJ flooding has already started. . .and I live in an area where there is a lot of low lying areas so I hope by the end of the business day I will be able to get home.

  4. You are certainly an inspiration to use up those fabric scraps. Good for you to get so much done. Good luck with the weather!

  5. We had a near-record February for rain and yesterday wasn't any better. Rivers are rising, some schools closed because of flooding. At least it didn't come in the form of snow as we are not prepared like y'all in the Northeast.

  6. By now, you have your "be prepared" routine down pat. We are supposed to get high winds and lots of heavy rain turning to snow. The rain has been off and on since last night and now there are starting to be snowflakes mixed in.
    I have piles of fabric that needs to be cut so I am prepared for the power to go out. We muddle through each storm without a generator. We are the only people in our neighborhood without one. My husband stubbornly continues to embrace his pioneer spirit so he carried extra wood into the garage yesterday. We rely on the wood burning stove for heat and warming up dinner and we fill buckets of water for flushing the toilet. He and I are getting too old for this routine.
    Stay warm and safe.

  7. You are in the snow zone. We will get same storm but with more rain the first half and snow the last half. The heavier winds will be on our shore. You are certainly right in like a lion. Hope you wont lose your elect. but sounds like you are prepared. hugs, lj

  8. Yikes. Hope if the power goes out, it won't be too long.
    At least you have things to work on while you have daylight.
    We're in FL right now, so we're missing out on the storm. Hot and sunny here.

  9. We're in the 10-20" zone. Last time I was out this morning it was belly-deep to a beagle.
    Stay safe and warm!

  10. Gosh, hang on tight..... what a storm. You need a treadle !

  11. Have a needle and thread handy and a snorkel. Stay safe and hope you keep warm

  12. It sounds like you are prepared for whatever comes. I hope your power stays on, stay cozy.

  13. We received more than 24" of snow in our mountain valley in Idaho. Overnight. Heavy, wet, slickery. Ah, the joys of winter! Stay warm and quilt away.

  14. Hope you're doing ok - we're keeping an eye on the news about weather in your area and it doesn't look good!! Stay safe and warm!!

  15. Hope you're staying safe... you have everything you need to wait it out.

  16. Hope you are safe and warm. I'm just hearing about this storm (we've been 'baby' busy, and not on the computer/TV.
