
Sunday, February 4, 2018

Bits & Pieces

This month's color for RSC is purple and I am using a variation of the Anvil block.  This block is known by many names, but I thought it gave a lot more movement to the different shades of purples as well as to tie them all together in the end result.  Even the lighter area are scraps pulled from my 'lite box'.

I've cut all the necessary  blocks and rather than throw the left overs back into their totes, I cut them down into my fabric chain system.  Various size squares that I use frequantly and strips/strings.  I only seperate the lights in the smaller squares other wise it all goes.


Since I found those Bonnie Hunter rails challenge blocks, I figured I better get them into a flimsy before they got lost again.  Therails and log cabins could be laid out so many different ways, but this had the least about of seams that I had to worry about matching up - and there are a lot of seams.

I wind so many bobbins when quilting to be sure I don't run short mid-project, and then I have left overs.  This is a good piece to use those up as it is so colorful that the color thread doesn't matter. 


 Jo's challenge to finish up an old BOM kit/project is coming along.  The wreath block is done other than the buttons for the berries.  Those will get added after quilting.

February's block will be the grapevine.  All the pieces are prepped and this is a smaller block, so being a short month this block fits the time.


Today I am guest hosting over at SARAH'S for the Scrumptious Scraps and have a tutorial. She's having another scrap box give away, too.

Today is Slow Sunday Stitching, but I haven't got anything other than my daily hexie for the temperature quilt.  My 15 minutes a day has been sewing every day (for hours) with at least 15 minutes a day (not today) of hand work.

I love the hype of Philly Phil and the weather predictions.  Hey, it's 7 weeks until the true Spring Equinox!  I have noticed a number of small birds 'flocking' thru our feeders and enjoying the heated bird bath.  And  old man skunky has been out on the 'scented' prowl for a week now.  

Sewingly Yours,


  1. So many beautiful shades of purple in your anvil blocks. Great progress already this month.

  2. Your blocks look lovely in purple Sharon. I use leftover bobbins from my longarm for scrap quilt piecing. I hate wasting all that thread. Thanks for linking up with Oh Scrap!

  3. Pairing the Rails with the Log Cabin blocks was a fantastic idea!! Thanks for sharing (and presenting that AWESOME tutorial over on Confessions of a Fabric Addict, too.)

  4. I use my leftover bobbins of thread for my applique and hexie handsewing - they're just mini-spools!
    Love the quilt you made for Scrumptious Scraps, and those logs'n'rails look like fun!

  5. You have a great collection of projects going. Also, I really enjoyed your tutorial over on Sarah's blog. Jelly roll friendly quilts are always a good thing to have for a quick quilt.

  6. Good progress on that old BOM - it is going to be beautiful.

  7. Love the different colours of purple you have used in your blocks. Very pretty applique blocks.

  8. the hearts look great in the postage stamp quilt.
