
Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Scrappy Wednesday

We are having more of this!  I know it looks pretty, but with the cold, wind and snow for days on end - I am so over Winter!

This is what is left of the found pink and green 2.5" squares and as much fun it would be to finish playing with them to use them up, I need to move on.  So these are going back into the barrel system.

The quilt top just needs that final border of white - borders - ughh!  Then from the drawer of greens, I will see if there is something large enough for a binding or it may be a scrappy binding.  I want this one ready for quilting on the home machine this weekend.

The newest temperature rosette got a peek at some color change as we had a few warm days to thaw out, but we have gone back to cold.

32 - 46 - 55 - 12 -11 - 12 - 24

And a parting with another photo of the snow.  Thank goodness my brother is on seasonal layoff as he has taken such good care of keeping things cleaned up.  Side walks shoveled and now (you can see the tracks) off with the tractor to start the long 'art' of plowing the lane and park ways.  It is an art as you have to plan where that snow gets pushed/dumped when you might have to go out and do it all again - gotta have room.  Also, when things melt off -  you want it to go where it will drain properly.

No furkid photos of late as every time I open the door (or look out the window) they take off and hide.  No way they want to go out in this either.

Stay safe and warm and go play with some scraps,
Sewingly Yours


  1. Our snow finally stopped yesterday morning. My son in Alaska has been warmer than we have been. We are hoping to reach the upper 30's by the weekend. At least we have sun again.

  2. Not having experienced much snow, it looks beautiful to me, but I do understand that the same day after day would get really wearing. We are heading for 37deg C today, so will be off to the beach. Your scrappy quilt top looks wonderful. It is interesting to see your hexie colours.

  3. Not quite as hot as 37C, but we have had a lot of 34.4 C, 33C, and 32C here in the Rangitikei . Love the lime green, and I am a total sucker for any snow pics at all. I my whole life, at the top end of the 70's, I have had snow fall where I lived, twice, 2 days on end, in August 2011.The first day it was gone by late afternoon, the second day a lot lighter, but I thought it was so magical. Keep quilting, your spring must arrive soon.

  4. I’m sorry your tired of the snow already - i won't hit that for another month or so. As long as it’s white and not half thawed brown I’m ok for a while longer. Fingers crossed you get that border done for the weekend! Guess i never thought about the art of plowing- mist if my family & neighbors have blowers and there is no planning for that.

  5. The snow photos are beautiful to me, but like several other of your commenters, I don't have experience with having to deal with it.

    We've just had an extreme heat warning come over our emergency alert system. Very different to your hexies this week.

  6. Oooooh...those are some cold temperatures! Good to stay in and sew. It's cold here in Florida this morning, but we're expecting warmer weather as the days pass.

  7. You are so right....gorgeous photos, but come on Spring.

  8. Quite a range - 11 to 55. It does make for a pretty block.

  9. It's this time of year I realize why the earliest settlers to this country had such a hard time when they came here. Our high was in the teens on Monday, but we'll be back to the high 60s on Sunday. The snow is pretty to look out, but not so much if you have to shovel a lot of it (or drive on it). Hopefully you are staying nice and warm while you are stitching.
