
Saturday, January 6, 2018

BOM Challenge w/ Jo

A couple of weeks ago I told you about Jo's challenge to pull out one of those BOMs purchased thru a shop or on-line and you just forgot about it - or gave up on it.  I had won this Album quilt all kitted up in a silent auction years ago and started it, but it got tucked away and I just forgot about it.  This challenge works perfect for me to revisit this lovely quilt and get it done this year.

These are the six blocks that I had finished before it disappeared from my mind.  This will work into my 15 minutes a day, too - although I sew everyday and sometimes have to remind myself to take a 15 minute break.  But there will be a lot of prep work time to set up a block, so even just 15 minutes will help with that.

I simply pulled a plastic baggy from the tote at random and this seems to be kitted up for both of these blocks.  So I have January and February planned with one pick.  There are a lot of little pieces, so a lot of prep work.

She has no button for this (I can set something on the side bar) but take a look over at Jo's Country Junction .  I'm sure you have one of these hiding and wouldn't it be nice to give it a chance to shine.

We are very, very, very cold here today with some very dangerous winds.  Fingers crossed that power stays on as I am power quilting to complete some secret projects.

The furkids are not too happy with this weather either.  Bella for some reason has prefered the office chair for her 'nap the storm away' position.

And Moe - he just naps where ever pleases - which seems to be on the next project I urgently need to get finished.

Stay safe and warm today,
Sewingly Yours,


  1. This is a very pretty project. I hope you can stick with it, I look forward to seeing the finished quilt, it's beautiful!

  2. That looks like a wonderful pattern! Love those colors.

  3. Ohhh pretty! Good luck with the BOM challenge. It seems a number of quilters are in "finish it up" mode this year.

  4. Applique, wow *gulp*. I like what you've done so far though. And thanks for keeping us so informed with the buttons on your side bar, I've gotten some great info from there on the challenges, BOM's and sew-alongs.

  5. That's a lovely project to work on and finish. It looks like a nice mix of piecing and appliqué.

  6. That will be a wonderful finish. Looking forward to it. You and the kitties stay warm.

  7. Thank you for sharing valuable information nice post,I enjoyed reading this post.


  8. What a great idea! Your BOM blocks are gorgeous. What a stunning quilt it will be!

  9. I'm with Bella and Moe. it's a good day to find a cozy spot. How nice to have a block already kitted in a baggie for you. It's a lovely pattern. I like the combination of applique and piecing.

  10. That's going to be beautiful and I love the muted colors.

  11. You already have a great start too. This is going to be so beautiful!!
