
Monday, December 11, 2017

Monday Making

I know it is technically Tuesday at this hour on the East Coast, but I did have a busy Monday.  I cut all my rectangles for Bonnie's next clue over the weekend and I spent Monday getting the corners sewn on half.  Even though I am only making half the number of units for a smaller quilt, these take a little more time for accuracy.

** linking up with Mystery Monday Link Up **

Also, over the weekend I managed to get all my large squares cut for the Temecula Quilt Co. Snowball QAL.  All the little corner squares I can pull from my barrel system.  Why cut more when I have these waiting to be used.  I got 10 dark squares with all four corners on.  This is a long term project and so many a week will get done.  This project went into that empty spinach container.

** linking to Monday Making **

This is an older picture (per the spinach tote), but I did manage to get the plaid project back into the correct layout again - thanking that I took a photo to go by.  I labeled rows and picked it up before a furry friend could play 'shuffle the leaf pile' again.  Hopefully I can get a row or two added each day so it is a flimsie by the end of the year.

I had hoped to get more done, but Monday's interruptions included a Hall of Fame deadline, rescheduling our local quilt guild Christmas party due to a bad storm tomorrow, and a Christmas Party here with one of Mom's sewing groups.

Tuesday is a snow-in-cation, so it is a catch up day.  BUT, I am adding housework into the mix.

Sewingly Yours,


  1. house bound with snow, I dream of that possibility down here. Love the fabrics you have there.

  2. Looks like you've been busy. There's a little snow left here in Atlanta. Hoping we don't see any more of the white stuff on this trip.

  3. Sounds like a busy busy Monday. I'd ditch the housework and just sew. LOL

  4. I haven't started the third clue yet , I can see it is a lot of cutting . I did have some squares I could use but will need a few more of those as well.the snowball project found a like fun .

  5. Love seeing Bonnie's mystery come together! Great fabrics!

  6. Congratulations on all the things you accomplish. I am doing the snow ball blocks. Have 16 dark and 16 light ones made so far. It is a great way to use up scraps and so much fun.

  7. I also found that this mystery clue couldn't be rushed. It is a tricky unit to sew perfectly.
