
Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Scrappy Wednesday

I need to finish off the projects in this under-bed tote.  Scrappy projects that have been around for a while.  BUT.... I can't convince this guy to move to a better napping place.  So I will clear out some scrappy projects that are laying around before I have to knuckle down to FMQ that next quilt.

This is what is left from my Jasmine Jacket project.  I could just throw them in the CW tote or cut them down into my barrel system.  NO - I think I will actually make something with them.  I have a couple of small clutch patterns and think I will turn this pile into some cute bags.

I have this project in the works.  Trying to tame some of those colorful solids.

I just need 10 more of the longer stratas for this project.  The black strips are cut, but I need to pick a few more colors to go with them.  Easy finish and this will probably be packed away for after Christmas play time.  

Using up some scraps with the temperature quilt.  We definitely are moving closer to Winter.  Days are getting colder and when the sun tries to bring a warm day, it just can't warm it up.

38 - 35 - 39 - 48 - 37 - 40 - 36

Take a day to play,
Sewingly Yours,


  1. Wow! Six of your days this week were colder then the coldest day I had all through winter. Brr!!

  2. "Than" the coldest day... Sorry about the typo. I really need to proof-read before hitting "publish"!

  3. that is cold, we are having really hot days here, 29.6 in November is too warm. Lovely scrap strips, bright and beautiful.

  4. Kitties are always a good reason to skip a project...😁😁

  5. Ah, no you can not disturb a happy sleepy kitty!! 😆😆 Looks like there other things you are planning to do there. Your hexie is lovely, we have had a cooler day here today after many days of over 30deg C.

  6. Your temperature block is very pretty this week. Your kitty looks so sweet!

  7. Love the bright solids with the black. Looking forward to seeing that one come together.
