
Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Scrappy Wednesday

While looking thru my shelves for fabrics for those pillowcase cuffs, I kept knocking down the over-flow of solids.  These have to be tamed!  There are three pillowcases sitting there to finish up, but I need a day to play as tomorrow will be a day with family and no sewing.  I'll pull the last of my Kona Black and there will be a play date.

The next temperature rosette has a bit of change in it that makes it fun.  I had a nice sparkly large white on white snowflake fit of fabric for marking our first snow, but it got lost with the background.  Since it was cold, windy, and flakes lofting - I chose the crisp blue with swirls, drifts, and snowflakes.  It's a sparkle fabric, too - the magic of the first snow.

42 - 51 - 37 - 40 - 41 - 1st Snow - 48

I have just my son and his girlfriend coming for dinner and they requested pot roast instead of turkey - we are not fans of turkey.  This will be easy as it can all be thrown in the crock pot and the house will fill with that wonderful aroma.  I picked up fresh rolls and a pumpkin pie from a local bakery - can't ask for anything easier.

Have a Happy Turkey Day,
Sewingly Yours,


  1. That is a bit cool, what colours do you use when it gets colder? Pot roast, that is so easy in a slow cooker. Enjoy family time.

  2. Love the shift in colors and tone. We are doing steak and stuffed mushrooms. I am thankful for that:) Happy Thanksgiving with the family.

  3. I love that first snow hexie. Pretty solids. I like that aqua colored one.

  4. Enjoying the change of colours on your hexie. Love a pot roast, Happy Turkey Day to you.

  5. That sounds very yummy. I am making the pumpkin pie for tomorrow everyone brings something so that is nice. have a great day.

  6. Lovely aqua colours! And it is a nice idea to mark your first snow with something special.

  7. just hubs and I here having turkey. the two cats MAY get some too. enjoy your holiday my friend!

  8. Enjoy your non-turkey dinner - it sounds easy and relaxing. I've never understood spending 3 days cooking just to have family over. We all had turkey dinner Sunday. Today it's breakfast and the parade on tv. Happy Thanksgiving!!!!

  9. It's just 3 of us, too. We're having brisket. I get to sew lots today.

  10. Hope you got in a bit of play yesterday. Pot Roast is our go to for Christmas. After the production of Thanksgiving, once a year is about all we really care to manage.

  11. Glad you are having an 'alternative' meal. I think it's most important to be together than to get stuck on the food! We had nutloaf! :)

  12. I'm sure you had a wonderful relaxing day.

  13. Hope you enjoyed a wonderful stress-free Thanksgiving and hope you are happily sewing the mystery blocks today!

  14. Great hexie. I love pot roast, but Turkey was my daughter's choice. Also tamales for her husband. Hope you had a great time.
