
Monday, November 13, 2017

Monday Making

Today I want to get the other two Burgoyne Surrounded blocks finished and maybe get some of the sashing done using it as leader/enders.  A step closer to a finish on this project.

Yes, the Juki is home and set up.  I am so pleased that I finally found someone who could fix this machine.  Not only fix, but put a lot of little 'polishes' on this baby to perk her up.  She sounds and runs better than when she first came in the door.  All those Geese rows are pairing up and I might lay them out, tab the rows, and then once tucked away it will be in order for a final finish.

We are in an 'Artic Freeze' right now with low temp records for this time of year breaking.  They say we will see a slightly warmer few days which will be followed by more cold, snow, and high winds.  Looking more like Thanksgiving will be a 'stay home' kind of day.

** linking up with Monday Making and Design Wall **

Sewingly Yours,


  1. Sounds like perfect sewing weather and some fun projects.

  2. I like your burgoyne surrounded block, I put it on my "to make someday" list about 5 years ago. I'm not a fan of pendulum weather, tuck in and stay warm :)

    ps - sometimes when I respond to your comment on my blog from my email (Yahoo), it bounces back with a nondeliverable message. So puzzling!

  3. Love your Burgoynes! I'm rather lackadaisically making nine patches for the sashing for mine, as I try to resist the temptation to make more blocks.
    This weather is giving us a taste of winter, and I'm not looking forward to that at all!

  4. Every time I see Burgoyne Surrounded blocks, I wonder why I haven't made some of my own--very nice!

  5. Glad your sewing buddy came back purring so to speak. Happy stitching this week and stay warm!

  6. Beautiful blocks! Good to hear the Juki is home and performing well!! Sounds like wonderful indoor weather! We have had 34deg C here last I looked! Bit hot!!

  7. The blocks are looking great! Hope all the sewing will keep you warm!
