
Friday, September 1, 2017

Whooping Friday

I worked thru the last of that baggy of scraps and managed to get 10 more Rails Fence blocks and 10 more Log Cabins.  There's another grocery bag of scraps that will get worked into this project and may just make enough for a complete quilt.

I worked the brown Broken Dishes blocks as leader/enders with the Rails & Logs.  Another 10 of those.  That may be how this project comes together - as a leader/ender amongst something else.

My poor Earlene is going slowly as there is a lot of small areas requiring changes of color (and bitty stitches).  A bit at a time will get her done OR I might just dedicate those stitches thru the weekend.  

And I did a bit of retail therapy.  I would prefer to shop and support local, but my car was in the garage most of August.  Besides, Connecting Threads had some super sales and then threw in a 20% of your entire order - TOO TEMPTING to pass up.  Some fun fabrics for binding  and two extra wide backings - will need those as quilts get finished up here soon.  I bought a few w/w's, but they are had to to photo.  I needed to restock my 'basics' that are required to tie all those scraps together.

And there were FQ color bundles on sale.  I checked my color totes and ORANGE had a few scraps (not FQS).  So I got the orange - ESP, as the RSC17 color this month is orange.  I don't use a lot of orange so these should last me for a few years!  

September is (Inter)National Sewing Month - go be creative,
Sewingly Yours,


  1. You have been very busy, and goodies are always a wonderful reward. Lovely oranges, I don't have many at all, and years ago a quilt tutor said " You need some yellow to ZING it up". So I do have a little yellow somewhere.

  2. Love those colorful scrappy blocks. Nice collection of orange now. Score! Fat quarters are the best way I can thi k ofto grow a stash of a particular color.

  3. ALways love to see your scrappy blocks and those oranges are wonderful!!! I like your variety of scale and tone. :)

  4. So...we have a perfect excuse to shop for fabric in September! Love your fabrics...

  5. Connecting Threads gets me everytime they have a sale, I've really been enjoying their backing fabrics.

  6. Orange is the color I have the least of too. Several years ago, I made an orange quilt and built up the scraps, but I've worked through them quite a bit. Yours are so bright and pretty. Looks like you're getting ready for Halloween.

  7. I love the oranges - one of my favorite colors. Your scrap blocks look great.

  8. I love seeing how you play with your scraps! Such beauties...and those oranges are so yummy! You'll have fun with those!

  9. Lots of fun scrappy stuff going on in your sewing room.

  10. I love your artwork and follow you pots this very minute!
