
Monday, August 7, 2017

Monday Making

I'll be joining BETH and JUDY today with some Monday Making.  The machine has been cleaned, new needle and fresh bobbins wound.

This was already cut for the 12 Days of Christmas Hop quilt along for the Trip Around the World with Sarah.  I made the blue kit instead.  BUT, since these are all ready - and kept getting knocked off the table to the floor by a certain furkid - I am going to put this together.  

The fabrics are from two other kits.  Yes, I buy kits when on huge sales just for the fabric.  I pull some of the fabric as needed and then the rest of the kit w/ pattern just sits for a long time.  These are getting used up!  AND that drat furkid better quit mixing my piles up - I better sew fast!

Sewingly Yours,


  1. It sounds like this could be a game you've started with Moe, hopefully you can sew fast enough :)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I've taken to covering those things with my largest rulers. Sadie loves to roll around in them.

  4. I think the furkid was correct in getting you started on this project - it's gorgeous so far!

  5. A certain furkid just wants to help, Mom. I don't furkid has any beauty to add to this quilt. Gorgeous!

  6. Very pretty table runner. Hopefully the fur kid found a new pile of fabric to play in.
