
Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Catskill Mountain Quilters Hall of Fame

I haven't been posting as often or visiting/commenting as often as I normally do, but I have been very tied up with activities with CMQHOF.  As this terms Secretary, I have been sending out a lot of e-mails, hard copy mailings, phone calls, and meetings these past 6 weeks.  Then there was a special event that I will share later.

It was their Spring Meeting/Annual Picnic Monday and this is just the bustle of arriving and setting up.  Everyone was in motion and with over 80 people - a bit confusing and noisy at times.

They line the outer portion of this wonderful pavilion at CD Lane Park, Maplecrest, NY (outside of of Windham NY where that wonderful fabric shop is) with Show & Tell and any guild's raffle quilts.

I just managed to get the raffle quilts as I got rather busy as the event went on.

Yes, you needed to bring some serious cash with you.  Four raffle quilts, raffle baskets, quilt blocks - and then time after the picnic to hit that quilt shop.

There was a rotation of four stations of demonstrations and I taught how to make my little pincushions with soda bottle caps.  And then I had kits made up so everyone got to take one home.  I, also, shared those fun hearts I saw on BARBARA'S post about I Found A Quilted Heart.  My  sample hearts were placed around the  Park after our event was over. 

Good food, wonderful projects shared, super quilters, LOTS of talking.  Good weather added to a great event.

And the official announcement of the newly inducted members - that special event I had to attend was the judging of sponsored members for possible induction.  I sponsored someone as well as was sponsored.

Yes, I am one of the five newly inducted Hall of Fame members.  Special ceremony will be in the Fall.  ALSO, I am on the slate for next term  running for President.  That vote goes to our Fall meeting

Now I have time to get back to my regularly scheduled program - first being to catch up on you folks.  Then I need to re-connect with my machine.

Sewingly Yours,


  1. Yes!!! I knew something was people there to honor you! Congratulations Sharon, a wonderful honor and much deserved. And for even thinking of taking on the President position is a huge commitment.
    Well done!

  2. Congratulations! That's awesome, it's nice to recognized by your peers and good luck with the President position.

  3. Fantastic news. Well deserved honour. Congratulations!��

  4. Don't know where two question marks came from. No question in my mind this is a well deserved honour.

  5. Congratulations! An honor well-deserved.

  6. Congratulations Sharon, well deserved with all that you do, as well as writing your blog. Love seeing your events and good luck with the President's position. Hugs, Susie x

  7. Well deserved, Sharon. Congratulations.

  8. Congratulations Sharon! You've been busy. Hopefully you can find a bit of down time to play in your sewing space.

  9. Congratulations! Guess it is not only the blog world that knows what a fabulous prolific quilter you are! A perfect honour for you...yay!

  10. Hey, Miss Hall of Famer! I know a celebrating!! Congrats.

  11. Congrats in a huge bouquet of digital flowers!!! Wonderful news, and so good you have shared it with us.

  12. Congratulations!!!!!!!!
    You are well deserving and I hope you are celebrating!!!

  13. Beautiful eye candy. Thanks for sharing it with us....and congrats too.

  14. I can't imagine anyone more deserving of being in a Quilter's Hall of Fame!! Congratulations!!!

  15. That's wonderful news. Congratulations. It is well deserved.
