
Sunday, May 14, 2017

Slow Sunday Stitching 5/14/17

Slow Sunday Stitching

Would you believe that with all they hype in advertising, I forgot today was Mother's Day!  Somehow I was thinking next weekend, not today.  It's just another day here on the hill, so I will be joining KATHY for a slow day.

I still need to get Gertrude finished - she just needs her pearl necklace attached.  But - I need to move on with May's FQ Bag Lady.  I chose to work on Thelma because she is lighter colored for a Sping look.  Although, I think Spring is alluding us here in the NorEast.  I see she is bringing the cookies to this meeting - hope it is chocolate chips (been craving).

Happy Mother's Day,
Sewingly Yours,


  1. Happy Mother's Day to you and hugs to your Mom from us all. Without her we would not be blessed by your skills and sharing.

  2. Happy Mother's Day... hope spring arrives soon!
    Enjoy slow stitching today!

  3. Happy Mother's Day. What better way to spend it than slow stitching.

  4. Have a great day stitching. I am heading down to my sewing room shortly.

  5. We had a very quiet day at home, and I did some sewing on another block, with thoughts of my Mum as she used the old Singer treadle machine to do all the sewing imaginable. Cow covers, ( canvas and leather straps) ball gowns, wedding dresses and everything in-between.Hope you enjoyed your day up North.

  6. Chocolate Chip cookies is what the Mother's Day gift was today at church. Wish I could share one with you.

  7. This one doesn't have a pet. She looks like she just finished a shopping trip.

  8. Someday I want to buy a set of these ladies. Wonderful!

  9. These Bag Lady blocks are super cute. Hope your Mothers Day was a nice one.
