
Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Scrap Wednesday

I will be joining SARAH today with an attempt to tame my scraps.  I have several projects that are long term - because when you work small blocks, you have to make a lot more blocks.

The usual suspects have been out into the light of day.  I've done a count on each of these project with a rough idea of layout for how many I need.  The Temecula Geese (2.5" x 4.5") are getting close as well as the plaids (2.5" sq with 1.5"x2.5" strip.  The H blocks (1.5" sq with 1.5" x 3.5" strip) have a long way to go.  

The Puss-in-the-Corner are half the way - again 1.5" getting used.  I don't think I ever showed that I was working another Postage Stamp quilt - I'm using 2" squares.

See - everything tiny, but I am in my element with these.  They give me comfort as I chain them thru the machine.  And I love all that fabric scrappiness when they are all together.

Sewingly Yours,


  1. The Geese, the "H"'s and all others, busy days, but getting all those small pieces used is so good.All I have done with scraps is to cut them into strips of whatever width is possible. A container of 1",2",3" and some 4" ones. They will have to sit and mature for some time until all else is finished.

  2. You are making me itch to stitch. This putting stuff back is taking forever. Finally found my rotary where is that machine?
    I love seeing your collection of bits in their containers.

  3. Those great tiny pieces will grow quickly. They look so organized.

  4. Lots of beautiful strip piecing going on there, I find that soothing too for some reason. The small geese make me cringe though.

  5. I can totally relate to your scrap "problem"! I have the same one. They have taken over my house! I love making small blocks also so while it takes longer to make enough for a quilt the effort is worth it.

  6. Oh boy - looks like a lot of fun - please tell Sarah I said "HI!"

  7. You are a woman after my own heart! Great scrappiness in these WIPs!

  8. I just looked in the mirror and I need to "tame" my hair and maybe get dressed today. There is a Lazy old fat woman living here in my mirror.

  9. Lots of little fun projects. I am sewing on a rail fence block using three 1.5" strips.

  10. This is my idea of patchwork fun, too! Lots and lots of itty bitty blocks!

  11. Lots of scrap taming going on in your sewing room. Lots of fun blocks in the works.
