
Friday, May 19, 2017

Mish & Mash

I know so many areas have been hit hard with wild weather.  We had several storms roll into our area Thursday night.  Awful lightning strikes, heavy rain, and gusting winds.  I was at an event at our local library when the first one came thru and a ground strike hit right behind us.  Every pin, bolt, and rod in my body felt it.  I got home before the next round came thru,  but still feeling the affects today.

What is one to do when a bit 'jittery'?  BLOCKS!!  I made up my four little green piggies for RSC17.  This pattern is just so stinkin' cute and so easy to make.  These are thanks to the very clever Sally Trude.

The next block for the Patchwork QAL came on on Wednesday, so I thought I better get busy with those.  A cute signature block.

These are small blocks and very quick patterns.  Six  of each pattern are now done.  

The next step to the mystery - Two Step - came out and these worked up quickly.

The sub units are all made and we are starting to make the blocks.  This is one block and next month I am sure the next step will be the assemble of the other sub units for the second block.

My furkids spent the day napping.  Momma was gone when that storm happened so we were extra frazzled - home alone and big boomers!!   Bella in the wheelchair - I think it is time to get rid of that pillow (wet kitties) and the chair donated

Moe was muddy as well as wet when I got home - he must have hidden under the old smoke house during the storm.  He still has a bit of 'dirt' about him - hates to be brushed.  Of course, napping on my newest FQ Bag Lady project so that will need a good cleaning.

I will be taking Saturday for some ME time.  I am heading HERE for the day for their Spring plant sale and heritage plant tour.  I'm hoping to treat myself to some new plants.

Sewingly Yours,


  1. Oh that sure would be scrarey but it's a fabulous photo...pleased you got home before the next strike...
    How cute are those pigs and I love all your other blocks too.
    Poor kitties 🐱 and happy and safe inside now...
    Enjoy your outing Sharon.

  2. Bella and Moe, they have the right idea, find some new fabric and mark it as their own. Lovely blocks, so glad you were safe on the way home, and the garden visit, that is one stunning place, take an empty boot,or better still ...a trailer.

  3. I love watching sheet lightning but the forked lightning especially if there are strikes nearby has me, Scamp and Picasso running for cover. Making blocks is a perfect way to calm shattered nerves and get back your equilibrium and the blocks all look lovely especially those cute pigs. The garden visit looks a perfect outing and I hope you get some great plants. Take care and stay safe.

  4. Electrical storms are so bad on the body, joints, and all. You were so productive and so many cute blocks. Those pigs are fun! Enjoy your day out in the garden site. Hope the weather is perfect for it.

  5. We think the last electrical storm, last fall, blew our condenser. It made funny noises then, but, we didn't need it again until earlier this week. Had to replace it. Electric storms aren't to be messed with. Enjoy your gardening.

  6. Hope you show us your plant finds. I need to go plant shopping, but the weather and wildlife are putting a crimp in my gardens, so my heart is not in it.
    You get so many blocks done. I still have to do this week's Solstice block, but I did finish my first Sally Trude sheep block. Fussy, but fun.

  7. Hope you show us your plant finds. I need to go plant shopping, but the weather and wildlife are putting a crimp in my gardens, so my heart is not in it.
    You get so many blocks done. I still have to do this week's Solstice block, but I did finish my first Sally Trude sheep block. Fussy, but fun.

  8. Well that's pretty scary, are you feeling better? I'm glad you got home before the second round came, for your sake the and the poor furbabies. My two always want to dry themselves on my latest quilt, it's available and gets my attention.

  9. That would be terrifying! I agree, building blocks is a way to calm nerves. Love those pigs. Your Mystery blocks are looking great.

  10. We had thunder and lightning down here, too, but nothing as exciting as what you had! I hope you're feeling better!
    I love all your blocks, but those piggies always steal the show for me!

  11. Those piglets are adorable! Sewing is definitely perfect for the jitters; hope the weather is calmer for you this week!

  12. I hate not being home during a storm - I can just picture my poor Zeus terrified being home by himself. I'm not sure how much I help being around - he is still terrified! - but it makes me feel better being at home "protecting" him from the storm.

  13. The last few storms have packed quite a punch. The lightening has been both frightening and beautiful. Love your little piggies! Happy stitching this weekend.

  14. Noisy storms here too -- those piggies are indeed cute.

  15. Cute piggies and kitties! We had storms last week, too, but no lightning. We did, however, have pea-sized hail. Ouch! (I had to run out and rescue flowerpots)

  16. Despite the weather you got quite a bit of nice work done. The piglets are great in green

  17. Sorry about the big storms, we have had great weather. Cute green pigs!

  18. Still lovin' those piggies!! The fabrics and colors for your mystery quilt are quite yummy. Poor furbabes, sleeping off their storm jitters. Z is just weird as they didn't bother him one bit.

  19. The stormy weather sounds awful... I hope all the jitters have gone by now.... I am thinking the ME day would have helped a lot :-) I love your piggy blocks - you ae right they are stinkin cute!

  20. Love the piglets, so sweet. Just like your kitties. Sorry they were so shook up by the storm. My girls have the same issue.
