
Saturday, April 1, 2017

Slow Sunday Stitching

Slow Sunday Stitching

I will be joining Kathy and others today with some slow stitching.  I have become quite fond of taking a day (or more) to just enjoy that needle and thread in hand.  Still not a fan of hand quilting, but you never know what may become a journey.

I am re-doing the star on my Yankee Diary block.  I had originally used the facing method, but didn't like how it looked.  So I took it apart and now have half of it done needle turn.  This should work up quickly - as long as I can keep a fat furkid off it.

Then there is the last rossette that needs it's last round.  I know how I am going to finish this one off, but it will wait it's turn as the Grandmother's Baskets is ahead of the line.

And I have been moving furniture and cleaning rooms to finally set up that quilting frame - because this is on it's way here.

Not a bells and whistle machine, but it will fit my frame without updates and suit my needs for quilting.  I joined a TL group as well as a couple of my guild members have Tin Lizzies.

The sun is suppose to shine and we will get into the 50's - there will definitely be a walk today, too.

Sewingly Yours,


  1. Congratulations on the imminent arrival of the long arm. You certainly finish enough projects to justify having one. OTH, spending time long-arming will leave less time for piecing and playing. I trust you will find a balance. Hope your snow melts away. We had just rain (1.5") this time.

  2. Congrats to you. Your group will help you get the feel and hang of the long is quite different. Have fun and enjoy.

  3. Congrats on your new toy. You do amazing work with scraps! Thank you for being a generous H2H sponsor!

  4. Woop Woop on your new toy, I'm so glad it's finally happening! I hope you get outside and enjoy that weather with the furkids, we haven't seen the lovely Bella lately, so pictures please :)

  5. WooHoo!!! Congrats, and once it is set up, time to do quilting maybe a lot easier. Looks like it will be another place for a bundle of fur to investigate!!!

  6. It is nice to sit quietly and hand stitch. I'm with you, though. I don't enjoy hand quilting. Not sure what makes the difference. I've been working on that big stitch project, and I wish I'd never started it. I'll love it when it's finished, but I'll never do another one. Embroidery all the way for me. Enjoy your slow day.

  7. How fun to have that new machine on the way--I've heard lots of good things about the Tin Lizzie! Have fun with your slow stitching.

  8. Your needle turn block is beautiful, and your new long arm is something else. You'll be finishing quilts faster than even you can make them.

  9. Wow, your 'stars and stripes' block looks fantastic! I've always struggled with needle-turned applique; it's obvious you do not! What fun -- new machinery! Enjoy playing with that this week! And enjoy today's sunshine, too. It's beautiful here today, but tomorrow it's supposed to rain and by the end of the week, be back down into the 30's. *sigh* LOL! :)

  10. Have fun with your new long arm. Slow stitch the applique, then long arm the quilt. Fun both ways.

  11. Your blocks are lovely. I hope you have fun with your new toy. Have you made a decision on what the ever important first quilt will be?

  12. Congrats on the new addition to your sewing room. Hope you were able to really enjoy your slow stitching last weekend.
