
Friday, February 24, 2017

Feline Friday 2/24/17

This seems to be the dumping ground lately.  My very tall quilt stand that usually has a few throws on it for the feline master of the house to use this as his 'high ground' napping spot.  But other things do get dumped there before getting put away.  And Moe doesn't seem to mind - he'll lay on it and keep it safe until it moves on.

I did dump this on the cutting mat though - a found baggy of rough scraps of Sofia with a few solids.  Our weather has gotten very warm and the sun is shining - yes, the sun is shining!!  So I will see what I can get from this sweet pile, but more importantly I am going to get myself outside to enjoy the sunshine as I can - I know it will be short lived.

Sewingly Yours,


  1. I love that picture!! And YES do enjoy that sunshine!!

  2. I love #FelineFriday. Moe looks very relaxed. And, I'm looking forward to seeing your Sofia quilt come together. Looks like a sweet quilt.


  3. Princess in Training, what fab fabric. And a feline's perfect spot.

  4. Moe looks so comfortable and relaxed and rather royal - like The King of the Castle!

  5. Moe's got the right attitude; find a good spot and take it as your own. We have the same crazy weather here; looks like the flowers might be early.

  6. Moe is obviously an equal-opportunity cat.

  7. 'high ground' napping spot....too funny. Kitty didn't want his feet to get wet from the melting snow.

  8. Enjoy the sunshine. Moe looks so comfortable and the princess fabric is very cute.

  9. How nice of his Moe-ness to hold your pile in place!! My Z would have the whole thing sliding to the he did with a pile of books this morning =^..^=
