
Thursday, February 9, 2017


That's some word!  But, meterologist on most weather stations are calling our latest snow storm - Niko - just that.  What is it? 

If the pressure drops 24 millibars (mb) in 24 hours, Niko will officially undergo "bombogensis."

Bombogenesis results when there is a large temperature gradient, usually between a cold continental air mass and warm sea-surface temperatures. It can also be the product of a cold polar air mass and much warmer air from the south, say, over the Plains states.
Over that temperature contrast, a powerful, intensifying jet stream disturbance triggers air to rise and begins the process. This happens most often from October through March, but is possible any time of year.

We could see 1-2" per hour over the next 12 hour period (this after a bad ice storm).  If you don't hear from me, we got buried.

What do we do?  Well, with some help I played with my over stuffed 1.5" square barrel and some w/o/w scraps for some block play.

Inbetween running so many pieces thru the machine, I took time to get some stitching done on 'Charlotte' - the next Bag Lady in the series.  She does like color and I need color remember.

Twenty more geese for the Temecula Quilt Co. quilt along project.

The next block for the Solstice quilt along.  This fits our current weather pattern.  No applique' for my quilt - fussy cutting.

Up close - not sure you can make it out - stand back from the screen.  It's a screen print of 'ghosty' trees in the storm.  The yellow is not that bright - just bumped the photo so you could see the trees.

Then my helper cleared the table so we could work the patchwork for the Solstice quilt.  Since Pat gave the final layout and the size of these, I thought I might as well put them together.  Yup, that gray fabric was used in both Bear quilts - hope to use this up.

I will do a little more block play while it snows (as long as the power stays) and stitch some more on Charlotte.  Then it all get's picked up for the weekend and however long it takes - a new commission piece has priority and I am ready to roll on it.

Stay safe,
Sewingly Yours,


  1. I've never heard this weather called this before. You learn something new everyday, I've met my quota for learning today, now its playtime!

  2. I just now checked the weather and wondered how you were getting along! You have some great projects to play with. Stay warm! We are expecting a mess starting later today and overnight. I always hope the power stays on so I can sew, sew, sew like you!

  3. yes we are awaiting this mess as well. power is a must to get thru I have no treadle machine lol stay warm and safe

  4. That doesn't sound good, I don't think anything to do with weather should start with the word Bomb. I hope your electric stays on that sounds frightening. The fabric with the trees is gorgeous.

  5. Gracious, never heard that term before! Stay warm!

  6. OK. I have a question about Bloglovin', and I know you probably won't be able to answer it, but perhaps you can tell me where I CAN get it answered. My feed used to come with a top bar that allowed me to scroll from blog to blog without changing screens. Now, suddenly, I have this "my feed" page that comes up and allows me to only go to one blog at a time .... not only that, but I must also go to a separate page to get the full blog page, and then must close that out, go back to the first (partial blog page), and then back again to the "my Feed" page in order to get the next blog. A ROYAL pain .... so much so, in fact, that I'm considering opting out. I can see nowhere to address such questions to Bloglovin' .... Do you know where I can go? Or how I can fix this? THANK you so much for your help .... I know you are probably far too busy to bother with such ...... (lynnstck[at]

  7. Stay warm and safe, and I've got my fingers crossed your power stays on. Great blocks and Charlotte is looking good.

  8. A new and weird word for my vocabulary...thanks, I think. LOL Stay warm! Your Solstice block looks beautiful and now I've got to go sew my block so I can catch up with you.

  9. Oh boy....does not sound good. Hope they are wrong in the forecast for you. At least you have lots to sew and keep you busy. Hope it passes without burying you waist deep in white stuff.

  10. Oh my gosh...I'm a total word nerd, and that's a good one. Sometimes, though, don't you suspect they're just making things up? Charlotte really does like a lot of color. Mine is about 75% finished. She's fun to work on. Curious to see what you'll do with her.

  11. That is quite a word! Stay safe in it. Here they are forecasting an "atmospheric river" event. That sounds interesting too.

    I like those geese.

  12. So many fun projects going on! YES!!! I thought of all of you back there this morning as I watched the news. Told my husband now all my blog friends are going to get hit with what we h ad! Oh man.....hang in there. Thinking of ya!!! V:)

  13. Looks like you have lots of great projects to keep you busy this week! Interesting weather phenomena. I have to say after some storms, it looks like a bomb hit.

  14. You've got lots of fun stitching to keep you busy. Hope you kept the power and didn't get buried.

  15. Like all that you are working on but I would love to know the name of that fabric line with the ghostly trees! It's perfect for something I'm working on. Thanks

  16. One of the Rochester weathermen gets super excited when severe weather threatens so I've actually heard of Bombogenisis before. Hope you didn't get hit to badly.
    I'm i n Venice, FL right now (where it's sunny and in the sixties). I laughed out loud at the weather forecast on Wednesday when the weatherman said "Winter returns on Friday when the high will only be 70°". Just proves all things are relative.
    Happy to see you left out the heart applique. I'm pondering how to work around it myself.
    Stay warm.

  17. I was sure we would lose power during the storm, but luckily I was able to spend the day sewing. We didn't get the ice storm that you did. I'm glad you are tucked in and cozy. It's definitely perfect weather to stay in and sew. I love your Flying Geese and am trying hard not to be tempted to start my own.

  18. here's hoping you survived the big storm. We had lots of severe weather warnings here but only got about 3 or 4". The weather peeps seem to be crying wolf more and more around here. Your winter solstice block definitely portrays the winter sky colors altho we are more on the sunny yellow side here today, thankfully... I keep forgetting about Temecula's goosey Wednesday until Wednesday. We have "Chocolate in the Stacks" at the library tonight - maybe I can go home and make some after that tonight.

  19. Thanks for the warning about this storm! Hubby and I had made plans to drive from our corner of s.w. Ontario to visit friends just south of Albany. We left Friday around noon - and arrived late evening - a 9 1/2 hour trip that should have taken about 8 hours... Our friends received 14" of snow from this system, and then another 8" on Sunday! We had a great weekend though, and made it safely home again late Monday evening.
