
Saturday, January 7, 2017

Of Cats & Pigs

I shared Moe helping to hold down my tote of green scraps, well he really was hard at work all week with other duties.  Here he is helping with the scrap whites that I was digging thru for the corners (skies) for the geese blocks.

Keeping all those precious piles and pieces  for the Jacob's Ladder blocks that are lined up to use as leader/enders at the ready.

Inspecting that large gift bag that was dropped off for my son.  Yeah, we haven't totally wrapped up Christmas yet - trying to catch any one as we can.  And lets just say that large pretty bag no longer exists as Moe hunkered further and further down - a final stretch and the side seams gave.

With that dangerous job done, he decided it was safer to crash on the comfy plushy throw instead.

I had debated whether to join in RSC this year.  A problem I have with BOM's falls right in with this - very hard for me to do just a block and then wait to make another.  BUT, I fell in love with SALLY'S piggy block that I had seen several people playing with last year.  So RSC17 will be about some cute oinkers.

** linking up with RSC17 and Feline Friday **

And yes, I got away yesterday to finally visit my daughter and grands.  Christmas gifts were exchanged, quilts delivered, and lots of fun.  AND I got to enjoy a Pampered Chef party - yeah, the person who doesn't cook or bake.  But I need to escape for a bit and it was good change of pace, lovely people, and a demo with food to eat - OK.

Sewingly Yours,


  1. Moe sitting in the gift bag is quite adorable. And hopefully he will help you keep those piglets in line.

  2. I make my RSC blocks and then try to shift my focus to UFOs or some other quilting projects. Maybe some plan such as this might work for you, too. Happy quilting!!

  3. So glad you are joining us again this year! Feline Friday? Every day is Feline day here at our house, but I will definitely have to check that out. Have a good week.

  4. that Moe is so handsome and he knows it. those little pigs are too cute! I am making this a year of cleaning up the UFO. got a good start on them so trodding along LOL

  5. That Moe is SUCH a good helper, isn't he? 8)
    Resistance to those piglets is futile, I tell ya! I've already finished my quilt, and I'm still wanting to make more blocks...

  6. I feel the same way with BOM's! It's hard to wait a whole year to get a quilt together! I made several different projects with the RSC16 colors instead of one quilt! Your piggies look awesome. It will be fun to see them multiply!

  7. Moe must be totally exhausted after all the holding down work! lol The pig blocks are adorable.

  8. Moe is an adorable quilt assistant. I love your piggies. I keep thinking I would like to make some.

  9. Moe certainly deserved a break on the plush blanket after all that strenuous work in your quilt room. Adorable pig!! I have yet to pick a block for RSC yet - I'm terrible at decisions- but I have a couple contenders.

  10. I think your assistant is the cutest one in all Blogland. Hope the piglets won't scare him out of the sewing room. And welcome to the RSC quilters club. ;^)

  11. Ha! Those piggies do entice you in, don't they? I've resisted making one until RSC17....and well, I guess resistance is futile ;-)

  12. Ahhh Moe, I don't think you'd be able to work without his help, I love seeing that black fur on your white scraps :). Did you deliver the bear paw quilt to your daughter or did you conveniently forget to wrap it up.

  13. Lucky you having such an enthusiastic helper. Those pig blocks are just too cute. I don't blame you for wanting to join in.

  14. Ah, the piggies. Gayle's piggies just cracked me up and she seems to be making more. I have to settle on an RSC17 block. I started too many last year and then went off the rails. I'm thinking of Chantal's pinwheels and I need a break from sewing En Provence blocks together, even if they are purple.

  15. Ah, the piggies. Gayle's piggies just cracked me up and she seems to be making more. I have to settle on an RSC17 block. I started too many last year and then went off the rails. I'm thinking of Chantal's pinwheels and I need a break from sewing En Provence blocks together, even if they are purple.

  16. Mo really worked very hard at his duties. He must be so much fun to have around.

  17. Moeda sure likes to help out , nice to have such a sweet companion close by . Cute little piggy blocks.

  18. Moe does work so very hard to help in the sewing room. Seems like he's a very quiet worker. Looking forward to seeing all your little piggies this year. Your first few look to be really good oinkers.
