
Friday, October 7, 2016

Moose Lodge Has Arrived

I was thrilled when I found out I was the October 'Desire to Inspire' creator.  I had an e-mail on the 3rd - I called them.  The 4th they needed some info and gave me some more instructions - people have such a hard time believing I live on Quilt Lane - I sent them a photo of our private lane street sign.

The Fabric arrived on the 5th and I immediately started plotting, mathing, cutting, laying out.  This is a tight time frame and I wanted my projects lined up so I could chain piece and use the leader/ender method to work several things at one time.

And look at this selvedge!!!  I love the little trees and I usually send my selvies to others, but I am playing with these.  You can see the full line of Moose Lodge HERE.  

Believe it or not - There are two quilt tops done.  I will quilt one and I have a friend doing the other (due to the time frame).  Three small projects done and three more next to the machine.  Yes, I was excited, inspired, on fire!!  Now let's hope when all is ready for photos the weather behaves for some outside shots. 

Sewingly Yours,


  1. Can't wait to see your finished projects!

  2. Goodness - you were on fire to have completed that many projects in just 2 days! Good for you. I like the selvage too - it could only have been cuter if they were mooses.

  3. Looks like you are having great fun!

  4. This fabric is so warm and cozy. Can hardly wait to see the finish.

  5. Love the fabric and red is such a great colour for this time of year. Can't wait to see the finished products. Hugs, Susie x

  6. You're going to be having fun with this!

  7. We can't wait to see what you have come up with Sharon!

  8. Congratulations! I am so proud of you. Looking forward to seeing what you create : )

  9. That's quick stitching. Looking forward to the pictures.

  10. I'm looking forward to seeing your quilts Sharon.

  11. Wow!! I am impressed with your quickness, although I always have been!! Question - I don't see Desire to Inspire on your sidebar. What is it??

  12. Hi Sharon ,wow i am loving the fabrics,cant wait to see the quilts my friend and hoiw cool living in Quilt lane xx

  13. I'm excited for seeing these projects. Like you, I was so thrilled when my fabric finally arrived that I cut and sewed at whirl-wind speed. My mind kept racing and I made three other projects after the fact. Enjoy! :-)

  14. Pretty fabric. I look forward to seeing your projects.
