
Monday, October 10, 2016

A Day to Relax

Just need to stuff some pillows and I am wrapping up my 'Desire to Inspire' projects.  The quilts still need binding, but I am taking a day to relax - must be the pillows.

I haven't done any slow stitching of late, so I think I will take the day and play with these.  I need to pack my list of items for tonight's quilt guild meeting, too.  Our program is on cleaning, care, and simple repair of your home machine and I am taking my machines in for demo purposes.  They really need a good cleaning and tweaking after their work out. 

Someone else needs a slow day.  I did up the laundry and when the dryer peeped, I left the door open to vent out some of the heat while I got the last few dishes done.  I reached in and got clawed.  Bella had settled in and was not giving up any part of her very warm bed.  We have gone into the 'bbbrrrr' season and the heat had to be turned on, but apparently this was a better solution.

Sewingly Yours,


  1. Bella has the right idea! We had to turn on the heat here too.

  2. DT would do the same some mornings if she could fit in the dryer. She loves to put on her jeans straight from the dryer this time of year. Hope your day of relaxation fit the bill.

  3. You finished those projects already? You deserve a day of rest. Looking forward to what you did.

  4. Good thing your laundry was dry or otherwise your poor kitty might be spinning. I love lazy relaxing days.

  5. Slow days are good ... your hexies are fun; great color combinations! When it gets colder there are days I wish *I* could crawl into the dryer with the warm clothes, too!! :)

  6. Ha. I like Bella's idea! Enjoy the slow day.

  7. Love what I see of those top two projects! Wow!

  8. Oooh, I bet it was warm and cozy and soft inside the dryer. She heard you say something about relaxation.

  9. Glad for Bella that you didn't close the dryer door and add a few more minutes of tumbling!

  10. Now that is one smart Bella. Embrace the slow days as you haven't too many of those lately.

  11. ☺☺ So cute Bella♥

  12. Oh those kitties of yours!! Just as well you didn't slam that door shut without looking and turn it on for another blast.

  13. that is too funny never sw a cat take up resting in the dryer. good for her she was warm but not so good for you sorry about your scratch
