
Monday, September 19, 2016

Monday Making 9/19/16

Since I have been on the road (the other end of town) and just working with hand quilting or hand piecing, I needed some time with my machine today.  I'm joining BETH with some Monday Making.

I've been working this basket of scraps down (before I tackle the next bag).  Variety is running slim so I may need to refresh this.

I'm working Bonnie Hunter's hourglass challenge with units worked into some block making.  These ten I had done some time ago.

I managed to pair/cut up ten more and have them ready for some sew time mixed in with catching up around the house.  The whites are from a seperate tote and that stuff is getting used up, too.

See, the colors are a bit muddle and muted, so I definitely need to just chop down the rest of the scraps in that basket into my barrel system and add some fresh scraps into the mix. 

Tomorrow my SIL and I are taking a bit of ME time with a trip to a local shop we have yet to visit - will share.

Sewingly Yours,


  1. I rather like the muted look of the blocks! Enjoy your "me" time...a new shop?! Sounds FUN!! :)

  2. I love the white backgrounds. It really makes them stand out. I spent the day with my machine yesterday too. We both needed it.

  3. You are making wonderful use of those scraps. Can't wait to hear about the new shop.

  4. beautiful stars!! thanks for linking up.
