
Monday, September 5, 2016

A Stitch in Time

I really needed some sewing time before I went climbing walls!  A good day to start playing with my month's 'Let's Book It' project.  Last month I waited till the last minute, but this is a bigger project and I best get to it.

My large tote of solids was pulled and needed a good sorting as I had been tossing pieces from donated bags and projects working on - a mess.

There were a lot of blues and some pieces of the radiant fabrics, so a lot of blue hues.

I multi-tasked today, too.  Although not garage sale/barn work today, I did go thru the house to pull and pile up some other things that will head that direction tomorrow.  And as long as I was going up and down the stairs, I carried a bit of my long arm frame up and then came down with a sale item.

And I found a lot of pink and pieces of radiant dusty pink, this is a happy pile of blocks.  So this will be a two color quilt instead - hues of blue and pink.  Some bits of purple, red, and black might creep into this to make up the number of blocks needed, too.

My background base is Kona Oyster - had a left over 2.5 yrd cut on the shelf.  I was going to pull a JR (they are a total of 2 3/4 yrds), but I decided to use up that Oyster and I don't mind cutting my own strips.

I loved having the day to get a stitch in time,
Sewingly Yours,


  1. Sounds like a constructive labor day - sewing & cleaning. I do the same with the stairs-- if i need something upstairs, i have to take something up to put away before I can bring it down.

  2. Isn't it great when you can have a whole day like that. It's been a while at this end too, and so I know that feeling. I got a start on my Let's Book It in the last half hour before we left home, so it's ready for me when I get home.

  3. Those blocks will be great in those colors. sense doing those stairs without a purpose both ways! ;-)

  4. You did good! Can't wait to see the quilt!!

  5. Glad you got some sewing in! Your project looks like a fun bunch of blocks to play with!

  6. I like the idea of adding the other colours. Purple, red and black, with pink and blue, it will be bright and beautiful. Multi tasking, carry a bit up, and come down with an armful, clever way to do it all.

  7. A very productive day and I see a nice quilt in the works.

  8. You are a talented multi-tasker!! Are you doing the Rubix project? I can't wait to see your version!! :)

  9. It's going to be a fun quilt. Hope you've gotten more done on it since then.
