
Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Wrapping up August 2016

It was a busy month, starting off with getting my Mom's exhibit set up and the 'meet the artist' reception.

I had some commission work that was on a tight time frame.  I made four of these wallhangings that were used as presentations to some top contributors to the SALT - Schoharie Area Long Term (recovery from Storm Irene 5 years ago).


As well as these little key chain purses were designed on a request.  I will be putting a tutorial together for September.

Slow Sunday Stitching has helped me stay on track with '365' and my hexie projects.

Kept up with the little blocks for Temecula's 'Circa 2016'.

I am waiting on the next 'Westering Women' block.

The blocks for 'Adinkra' and Emily brought me this lovely fabric back from Africa for my setting blocks in this project.

Squeeked in my 'Let's Book It' project which has been switched to hand basting because it will travel and those pins will end up everywhere.

And the 'Scrap Problem' is slow going as those three large bags (and I got more in) are headed for several projects.  The smallest of bits are little block play as I can catch it - I find it relaxing.  Actually all my monthly projects are from scraps, even the wallhangings I did for commission was fabric off the shelf.

There was Pet's on Quilts, I attended a  quilt show, and even squeezed in a couple of days of babysitting for the grands.

September is not going to be a slow down either,
Sewingly Yours,


  1. What a busy month you had!!! That Bargello quilt with your mom (?) is gorgeous and so complicated looking. I hope your September is a bit more relaxing.

  2. You got a lot done during your busy month. Your mom's bargello is amazing!

  3. A full and varied month you had! I am tired just reading it all....but great things done. Your Mom's bargello is amazing!

  4. I'm laughing at all you did and how little I did. As I always tell Mick, I'm off to sew a seam (singular)...hahaha. Maybe I'll try for 2 seams.

  5. Wow! Your mom's bargello quilt is absolutely gorgeous. I'm jealous of your family talent. :D You are one productive lady!

  6. A very busy month, love that bargello, your Mum must be so delighted.

  7. Well, you succeeded in making me tired just reading all that you accomplished in August. Congratulations on your success!

  8. My daughter in law would love your mother's quilt (top picture). She pointed out several patterns that were similar, when I was in Alaska earlier this month. Those are her colors, too.

  9. All good fun and great memories made I'm sure! We've been asking ourselves where August went too!

  10. Your Mom's display is gorgeous! I love all those pretty blocks.

  11. Lots of lovely blocks all over this post but that quilt in the first picture is something else. WOW! I am not a very big fan of bargello but I like that one. Wish I could be on top of my BOM and QAL like you. Great job. ;^)

  12. After reading all that, I need to go lie down... 8)
    I hope you get a chance to take a deep breath soon!

  13. Looks like you had a fantastically busy month! Looking forward to your tutorial!

  14. Sounds like you've been keeping out of mischief Sharon!

  15. The wrap up really shows how much you get done, it's amazing. I'm with everyone else, your mom's quilt is gorgeous.

  16. You wouldn't know how to slow down Sharon! What a lot you accomplished in August - looking forward to seeing your fun shenanigans in September :*)

  17. I don't know how you manage to do it all... you're an energizer bunny!

  18. You must be really organized to get as much done as you do. Hope you can keep the momentum up in September.
