
Sunday, August 7, 2016

The Teacher in Me

Just to share a few photos from the 'meet the artist' reception - thank you Stephanie for the photos.

My Mom - Arlene Vrooman - a 1987 inductee to the Catskill Mountain Quilters Hall of Fame.  Still quilting and teaching at 88.

Here is a bit about my mother in 'The Unbroken Thread' the history of quiltmaking in the Catskills - book by Steve Hoares READ HERE


  1. What a beautiful article about your mother Sharon!!! And her quilts are gorgeous! Still teaching and quilting at 88 - wow - of course now we know where you get your famous energy and productivity :*)

  2. Wow, how fun to be able to learn from your Mom and then still be quilting with her so many years later. I love the green and yellow quilt, it has such movement.

  3. A very proud heritage and wonderful story of your family. Congrats to your Mom for being a supreme example to us as quilters. And you carry on the tradition :)

  4. Your mothers quilts are amazing! I knew she was a quilter but had no idea that she is such a fine artist. The excerpt was fascinating, not only your mom but your dad, you have some pretty amazing genes working for you.

  5. Very impressive. So nice to see your mother is still going strong. And you are following in her footsteps.

  6. Your mom is a fantastic quilter! She's an inspiration to all of us "youngsters" of how productive we can still be.

  7. Wonderful pictures, and I loved the book page. The last paragraph says it all...know the feeling.

  8. Wow! What a legacy and inspiration! Your mom's quilts are beautiful. Kudos to you for promoting her; your pride and love for her shines through.

  9. What a wonderful event. I've always thought you were absolutely amazing, with all your talent. Now I understand how it runs in your soul. Your mother is so gosh darn talented. I thoroughly enjoyed your post, photos, as well as reading the excerpt from the "Unbroken Thread". Clearly that thread is stitched in you.


  10. Wonderful chapter about your mom! And what a gorgeous exhibition of her work!

  11. Oh my gosh, that is just awesome. I love reading the history and seeing where all your talents come from. The last paragraph of the article really says it all. Sitting and stitching in serene and does blot out much of the stresses of the day. LOVE IT! You and your mom rock!

  12. The article written about your mom is a lovely tribute. No wonder you're so prolific; you have big shoes to fill.

  13. Yes I agree with everyone: wonderful and just awesome!

  14. Such pretty quilts on display - and it was nice to have met the artist in person!!!!

  15. What a lovely article about your mom - and her quilts are stunning! You are so lucky to have your mom to quilt with - what a heritage!

  16. Beautiful write up on your Mom!! She is one remarkable Lady!

  17. Great article. Your mom is amazing and what a blessing to have her, still teaching and inspiring.

  18. Your Mom sounds pretty amazing!

  19. Wow! I can only hope I can still quilt at 88. Nice article about your mom. Cool lady.
