
Sunday, August 14, 2016

Slow Stitching Sunday 8/14/16

I have 2 and half bindings to finish up today, so will be joining KATHY with a day of slow stitching.  I want these done and hopefully out the door tomorrow - one commission checked off please.

I did make it to the one quilt show yesterday.  I took no photos as they were jammed into a single room and it was crowded - you would have seen backs of heads, not quilts.  And I was good - two soft book panels for some charity quilts and a wildlife panel for a 'window' quilt.

 One member heard I take scraps for quilts and she passed on this big bag.  I had another huge garbage bag gifted mid-week, but passed that on to the local church sewing group.  I need to clear out commissions so I can play in all the scraps that have come in lately.

Today starts the link up of Pets on Quilts Show - you have the week to link and then the voting starts.  I will be late to the party because....

All across NY state there were severe storms.  They are calling them 'micro-bursts' - not tornados.  I don't know, got swirly and wild here.  So we have some clean up to do.  Yes, that branch buried in the ground came from a tree on the other side of this field, not the ones in the grove.  A couple of trees were hit by lightening, but with the heavy rain, no fires.

Moe and Bella are still hiding...............

Sewingly Yours,


  1. Oh my goodness that sounds like quite a storm! So glad you are safe and able to spend today with some slow stitching to recover!

  2. We seemed to have dodged the swirly bits over here. Looks like you had some real excitement! Glad you're okay.

  3. Yikes, what a storm. Hope the cleanup goes well and Moe and Bella feel safe soon. Some hand work sounds like just the reward after the cleanup.

  4. Except for the heat and humidity here on Long Island, we've not had the storms plaguing the rest of the state. Oh but there was a tornado out on the East End. So sorry about the storm damage. I hope it doesn't take you too long to clean up. Enjoy stitching those bindings.

  5. I've heard about those storms. They sounded wild. Think I would remain in hiding too.

  6. Were we used to live we had micro-bursts. They can be very quick and scary.I am sorry your babies are still hiding. Poor things!!

  7. Micro bursts do terrible damage. I've seen it many times before. It brought down a plane in Dallas, over 20 years ago.

  8. Good luck finishing up those commission jobs so you can play a bit - you deserve it!

  9. Love those hst borders! I'm a fairly new quilter and just started a hst quilt, but you've inspired me to create a unique border for other quilts! Thank you! Pinning this one!!!

  10. I'm sitting here laughing after reading the comment above, YOU inspired someone to create borders, is that irony? LOL.
    Poor Bella and Moe, when they finally come out of hiding they'll probably appreciate curling up on a comfy quilt, keep your camera ready.

  11. Wow! I don't blame the poor kitties - I'd still be hiding too! That branch was blown all the way across your yard? So lucky it wasn't tossed into a window!!! Glad everyone was kept safe. And Rocky can't wait to see Moe and Bella in POQ!

  12. Poor kitties. I hope the damage was limited to the yard and your home is fine.

  13. Hope the clean up wasn't too bad. Have the kitties come out of hiding?
