
Wednesday, August 24, 2016

A Beautiful Day

I had a lot of personal and business things to attend to and each outing I made sure I parked a distance and got some walking time in.  Fall is starting to appear in little bits, so enjoyed the cooler temp and sights and smells.  I was blessed by some chipmunk who planted a few sunflower seeds.  They remind me of my Dad who planted them of many variety all over the property for the animals and birds to enjoy. He was known for his Giants and people would come to buy seeds from him.

And if you look real close - some one is hiding behind that porch post - told you she hated the camera.

I didn't expect much in that 50 cent box of seeds someone gave me, but I sprinkeld them in the flower bed where I removed the creeping flox.  Look at these lovelies!  My ceramic Bella and Moe are slowly getting hidden.  I think this is the last year for my garden gnome as there is no color left on him - a ghost gnome!!

I have hollyhocks that usually grow 2-stories high, but I think our very late cold did them in.  This one lone soldier grew and flowered, but not very tall to say the least.  I will save her seed pods and try to start some new plants.

I had another bag of scraps dropped at the door and most I sorted for re-gifting to others.  The smallest pieces I kept for Bonnie Hunter's new challenge - the Hourglass Block.  I don't want to just play with hourglasses, so I picked a block that uses them.  I prepped enought to play with today.  

Then Bella interupted my prep - chattering in the window......why?

This is as large I could expand and thru a window screen - do you see the deer?  The herd (about 25) makes this path down into the soybean field and then across the road into the corn field every morning.  Then early evening they return the path back up into the mountain behind us.

 The last two fawns scurrying after the herd.  Most of the does have twins and one has triplets.  Our miniature orchard is just round that tree line, but no apples this year.  We will have to get drops from someone to set out for them - I know they are looking for them.  They were a nice end to my day.

Sewingly Yours,


  1. I feel bad for our deer too. the neighbor took down the apple tree so there are no apples for them. they come looking though.

  2. Looks like a lovely day. We're expecting more heat here, so i can say it feels like fall.

  3. Good for you choosing to walk when you can! I've begun to do that too and it's amazing how many steps you can get in that way - it all adds up :). Your flowers are so beautiful!!! I have a garden gnome too - he has been a ghost for many years now. We tried repainting him but it never lasted very long.

  4. Beautiful flowers and I love the picture with Bella peeking from behind the post, that's a Gotcha. Fall is a long way off for us, I'm a little jealous of you :)

  5. Very pretty flowers. Keep enjoying them because before you know it they will be gone. I like your hourglass blocks. How small are the hourglass squares?

  6. A ghost gnome? That would be interesting. Those are really short hollyhocks, but you can still see what they are. Interesting.

  7. I'm ready for a bit of autumn, it's been so hot in OK this summer. Glad you were able to take some time to enjoy your flowers, seems you've been really busy the last few weeks. Happy stitching this weekend.
