
Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Picnic Time

Monday I attended the CMQHOF picnic and it was so nice to put faces to all of those names that I type all the time (I'm Secretary).  And if you want good food - quilters go above and beyond!!  OMG!!  I think every quilting guild should put out a recipe book.

The pictures are going be funny as we were in a covered pavilion and then the background outer bright sunlight.  This was one of the guild's raffle quilt - they have a quilt show coming up this weekend.  Yes, I bought tickets.

Another guild's raffle quilt - LOVED - and yes, I bought tickets.

Another guild's raffle quilt.  Wish the quilting showed better, but this was completed hand quilted with the smallest cross-hatch.  Yes, I bought tickets.

It was hard to photo these and more got added to the line as they came in.  These are the lotto blocks - fall theme - that almost everyone brought.  There were so many that we split them into three groups and three lucky winners went home with some real lovely blocks.  I had a block in the lotto but didn't win a pile.

The Sunshine Baskets - each guild was to bring a basket filled with quilty goodness - this picnic table got filled with them.  And even though I bought a ticket, no basket came home with me.

We had a four-station demo rotation before lunch.  Pat Clark with a super demonstration on various 'disappearing' blocks.

Judy Brunn demonstrated the 'big stitch' and had several samples of threads, thimbles,  supplies,  and .......

some of her beautiful pieces which showed patterns and variations that could be used for some real stunning hand work.

President Eilene Buel demonstrated using different stencils and products for various ways to improve and assist your machine quilting.

And Lesley Gray demonstrated piping, flange, faux piping, and double sided binding to add a little POP to your pieces.

And what quilting event doesn't need a little retail therapy?  Yes, a traveling fabric store!!  And yes, I bought some things.

It was a lovely day with some wonderful people with some fantastic food in a beautiful setting on the most perfect weather day.  Yes, that highlight's it.

Sewingly Yours,


  1. Looks like you had great weather for your picnic! I would have like to see the 2 sided binding demo - I've seen pictures online but sometimes it doesn't click until it's in person. Our guild's summer picnic is next week with box lunches from a local deli. Wish it were potluck!!

  2. I was there too! I'm even in your photos! I wish I had known you were there, I would've introduced myself. I subscribe to your blog so I know what you sew. It's a very small world, isn't it.
    The demos were really great. Loved them all and learned a bit .
    PS. I hung a scrappy quilt that I had just finished. I never brought one before and was disappointed that there were not as many as usual....

  3. That traveling quilt store is an inspired idea!
    Your picnic looks like a great time - lots of eye candy for sure. Too bad you didn't win any of those raffles!

  4. I would have bought tickets for those quilts, too. Hope you get to attend the quilt show this weekend (I get to attend 2 quilt shows).

  5. Your event sounds a lot like our Assembly Day for all the guilds who support the Tennessee Valley Quilters Association. It doesn't sound as though it was your lucky day, but you obviously had a lot of fun! I absolutely LOVE that rainbow pineapple quilt!!!!!!! (Of course, you knew I would LOL)

  6. This sure looks like a fun day and love the traveling fabric sales wagon call it the goodie wagon lol thanks

  7. Oh, I am so jealous. That looks like SO MUCH FUN! We don't have a quilt guild near where I live even though there is actually a quilt shop in our tiny little town of 1300! The closest guild is an hour away. I've been wanting to get one started but don't really know how to go about it.

  8. This looks like so much fun, I've never seen a traveling quilt shop but please send it down here.

  9. Wow! That looks like a fabulous event. It combines all of my favorite things: food, quilts, new things to learn, and retail therapy.

  10. Sounds and looks wonderful...NO PeRFecT.
    Great day...Great Pic's... Great story xox

  11. That looks and sounds like such fun.

  12. Looks like a lot of fun. A traveling fabric store? Definitely fun stuff!

  13. This looks like so much fun! And some descent weather to boot!

  14. I'm glad you enjoyed the picnic. It looks like it was wonderful.
