
Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Under the Strawberry Moon

A phenom that has taken 70 years to occur - the Summer Solstace and the Full Moon - the Strawberry Moon.  June’s Full Strawberry Moon got its name because the Algonquin tribes knew it as a signal to gather ripening fruit. It was often known as the Rose Moon in Europe and the Honey Moon.

This photo is from the NASA site because when I went out on the porch to try and photo the moon over the back of our mountain a freak lightening/thunder/torrential rain storm went thru.  The furkids sat on the porch thru it all while I hid inside.

It's taken me a day to recover from the weekend.  I did get my circles done and two full hexie flowers.  I make them individual and then sew the parts together - so there are actually a lot of parts made, just need to sit and put them into flowers now.  These were great projects to take on the road - easy to travel with, easy to set down to tend to business, and then easy to pick back up and go again.

After tackling the laundry, dishes, and some dusting/vacumming - I prepped fabrics for this project.  It is the Fold'n Stitch Wreath by Poor Hourse Quilt Designs.  It's the first time I have used the Bosal fuse foam.  I have some super heavy weight Peltex too - going to try this pattern using both mediums and see which works better.

And some luck and wins to share - with thank yous.  My luck was winning the 50-50 at the car show I vended at - yeah, I know.

I received this lovely package from K's Quilting Korner for the Hands2Help.  The candy is long gone (gave it to my brother) - the little bag is full of the small clover clips which I use for a lot of things.  Just love the coneflower fabric and plan to make myself a zip wristlet bag.

And this package came from Podunk Pretties for the random draw from the link up for the Back Porch Bloom sew along.  Everything useful and who doesn't just love fabric


Of course in the middle of a heat wave, I am getting ready for Christmas.  I have the opening day, so best be on time.

Sewingly Yours,


  1. Lovely projects.....and looking forward to the blog hop!

  2. Those are fun wins. I'm looking forward to the hop too, there's always good ideas in the Christmas hops.

  3. Lots of goodies there Sharon. Some lovely fabrics you scored.

  4. Great projects and I love the information about the strawberry moon. DH left a large swathe in our field unmown, and it was full of wild strawberries which I picked yesterday evening.

  5. Drat. I totally missed looking at the moon last night, and I knew about it too. Maybe I can still see it tonight.

  6. You are a very lucky lady. Congratulations on all of your wins.

    I made the folded wreath not too long ago for my daughter's college apartment. It worked up pretty quickly, once everything was cut out. Can't wait to see yours!

  7. So I can blame last night's storm on your photo taking??!! It started to pour and blow just minutes after Z came in for the night and then continued for another hour or so. A lot of trees and power lines were knocked down. The amount of rain varied from a full 1" at my house to only 1/4" 3 miles away to 1/2" 7 miles away. No matter what anyone got, my boss said his field crops were sighing in relief!! I had never heard of the strawberry moon until last night. Very cool!

  8. I saw the beautiful moon this morning at 5 when I drove my son to work.
    You are on a good luck roll... get a lottery ticket!

  9. Thanks for the information about the moon. Very interesting.

    Love those circles!!

  10. How totally cool is that! Thanks for sharing this!

  11. We got lucky and had a very clear night for the Strawberry Moon rise. My Guy got a few photos. Looks like you made good progress on your hand work over the weekend. Hope you've been able to recharge your batteries this week.

  12. Congratulations on all your wins! Can't wait to see what you've got planned for the Christmas blog hop!

  13. Lucky you and your fun wins. Congrats
